by Gandir on Fri Jun 11, 2004 7:37 pm
Well, yes and no...
I am working on a shard that is based off of the Sanctuary scripts, which were based off of the WoD scripts at some point in the not-too-distant past.
The original Tiledata and Verdata that we got from them didn't have any of the new stuff that Drocket put in. However, it did have a bunch of new clothing and weapon tiles/gumps that the Sanctuary folks put in and those had some conflicts with the LBR mobs once we updated to AoS. So... I recently redid all of the Sanctuary stuff and used recent versions of the WoD Tiledata and Verdata files as my starting point to re-enter those the Sanct tiles and gumps.
So, I should have everything Drocket has put into those files lately but I don't think that is the issue....
In the cooking scripts, pizza crusts are item 0xC803 and that is the same in the Sanctuary scripts. That item uses Graphic 0x1083 and looking in the Tiledata for that graphic I find a single pizza crust graphic in both versions of the Tiledata. It is not defined as "stackable" in the Tiledata (in either version).
The Sanct scripts have some differences, but the section where these items are actually created in the player's backpack are now the same.
Before I changed them to match, I was getting a single pie crust as the "stacked" graphic that would say "4 uncooked pizzas" or whatever. Now I get a bunch of individual pie crusts, unstacked, which makes a whole lot more sense to me, since that item is not defined as stackable in the Tiledata and is not listed as a stackable item in the "" file.
I am not sure how Drocket got the effect of stacked pizzas, since I can't find a graphic for them. I will take another look at the whole thing today. I was pretty tired last night when I went through it, so I might have missed something.