Enforcing Unwritten/Unclear Rules

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Enforcing Unwritten/Unclear Rules

Postby Avyn Asu on Mon Jun 07, 2004 3:58 am

This is related to the macroing thread, but a bit more general.....

If the staff is going to take action against someone for doing something (such as booting someone off if they see them macroing while afk) then that activity should be against the rules. To me, if I read that something is not encouraged, but not forbidden in the rules, that would mean to me that the activity is frowned upon, but that no action would be taken against me if I do it. If a person is going to be punished for something, they should be able to find out about it before they do it.

Likewise with names. I was told tonight, under a different character, that my name would probably be changed, because the staff doesn't like more than one capital letter in a name. I read the rules about naming, and there is nothing in there that says anything about having two capital letters in a name. If there was such a rule, or rather, if that rule was written where I could see it, I never would have put more than one capital letter in the name in the first place.

Every game needs to have set rules, and it's not fair for either the players or the staff to enforce rules that are either unwritten or unclearly written. Players get frustrated and confused, and staff will eventually get accusations of favoritism thrown at them, which is one of the least pleasant issues for any staff to deal with. Enforcing rules that the average player has no way of knowing exist is just asking for trouble and unhappiness among the players.

It is also not fair for the players to see any rule inconsistently enforced. If an action is going to be punishable, it should be punishable everytime it happens (or everytime it's brought to the attention of the staff) no matter who the offender is. If someone is to be punished for macroing on a remote beach, then people who macro in the bank and cast night sight every five minutes (if that is actually what's happening) should also be punished equally.

Yes, it's more work to make all of the rules available to the people who need to know them, but it is not that much more work, and in the end, it saves time and makes for a better gaming environment. In my experience, people don't have a problem being punished for breaking published rules. It's when someone is punished, in any way, for a rule they didn't know existed, or one that they did not know was a rule and not merely a guideline, that they get upset, and rightly so.

By the way, where are the "rules" about macroing in the manual? I did a search on "macroing," and nothing came up. I did a search on "macro," and eight listings came up, but none of them were related to using macros while afk.

I don't use macros while I'm afk, and I couldn't care less if they're allowed or if they're not. I just think it's very unfair not to make all rules clear in the manual, and to not enforce them equally among all players.

Also, where is the rule about capital letters in names?

Avyn Asu
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Postby Azalin4savioR on Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:05 am

I've seen the rules about macroing but I dont remember where so I cant help you on that! As for the capital letters in names, thats a new one on me, I mean im still a newbie I guess, but I've never heard that before. And I would also like to state, after reading your post, I agree with it completely. There are a few rules I've read here and there that are kinda fuzzy on exactly their meaning. They should be cleaned up a little maybe.

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Postby Dell-Leafsong on Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:13 am

The method the admins use for enforcing fuzzy rules is booting people off the server, quietly changing their names, etc. Clearing up most of the rules is done quietly so as not to offer the offender up to the scrutiny of the whole shard as a sacrifiaical lamb. I'm sure that's how it feels to be caught on the wrong end of a fuzzy rule infraction. I think this method is a good one for avoiding too much rule lawyering and not enough WODian brotherhood.
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Postby Azalin4savioR on Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:15 am

lol Dell have you ever thought about a life in Politics?
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Postby Avyn Asu on Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:21 am

Thank you for the insight, Dell.

My post was in no way meant as an attack against the staff, although that's probably what it sounded like. I know firsthand how much time it takes to run a multi-player game, and how unrewarding it can sometimes be, and I do truly appreciate the time the WoD staff donates to keep this shard running.
Avyn Asu
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Re: Enforcing Unwritten/Unclear Rules

Postby Joram Lionheart on Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:33 am

Avyn Asu wrote: I was told tonight, under a different character, that my name would probably be changed, because the staff doesn't like more than one capital letter in a name. I read the rules about naming, and there is nothing in there that says anything about having two capital letters in a name.

The rules wrote:Don't name yourself something kewl.

aLtErNaTiN' cApS hAvE bEEn tRadItiOnaLly cOnSiDerEd k3wL (hence the word). I don't know about more than one capitalized letter in a word, though. What did the GM say to you?
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:45 am

As far as enforcing the "non-written" macroing rules, I'll let Admins answer that one, but I do remember hearing that one of the main reasons macroing isn't officially 'outlawed' is that it would take way too much effort to properly enforce. Macroing isn't that big of an issue here, anyway (i.e. we don't have dozens of rampant macroers), and to consistently prosecute violators would require around the clock supervision of all players, an impossible demand on our already overworked Admin team.

The way things work right--people getting disconnected occasionally--seems to be relatively harmless and works as a random deterrant for macroers. After all, getting disconnected once in a blue moon isn't much of a punishment.

For the record, I've gotten disconnected in the bank for being afk (wasn't really macroing, just stayed afk for too long). I've also gotten disconnected while afk at other locations so it can happen to anyone.
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Postby Marius the Black on Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:17 am

Hey Joram, if you're really interesting in going "l337", I have just the thing for you.


Enjoy. :twisted:

- M4r1u5 7h3 8l4ck
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Re: Enforcing Unwritten/Unclear Rules

Postby Eldric on Mon Jun 07, 2004 11:34 am

Avyn Asu wrote:This is related to the macroing thread, but a bit more general.....

If the staff is going to take action against someone for doing something (such as booting someone off if they see them macroing while afk) then that activity should be against the rules. To me, if I read that something is not encouraged, but not forbidden in the rules, that would mean to me that the activity is frowned upon, but that no action would be taken against me if I do it. If a person is going to be punished for something, they should be able to find out about it before they do it.

It does appear as rule number 9 on the rules page and while I agree the rule seems somewhat ambiguious (I got caught by it way back when in a similar manner to the original poster, I was incorrectly using "public" to mean an area you routienly see other people not anyplace that wasn't private).

Not real sure I'd like to see the shard go the way of ultra detailed rules though, having a rules page that goes on for screen after screen is just icky.
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Postby Laephis on Mon Jun 07, 2004 3:05 pm

The funniest part about all of this is that no one has gotten in trouble or "punished." Being kicked to see if you are afk macroing in public is not punishement because it isn't a serious crime at all. Like I said earlier, if this topic had been handled privately everything would have been cool...like these issues have been handled for almost five years. Issues involving names are always handled on a case-by-case basis, but even then you're not "in trouble", you just have to choose a different name. Sure, we could sit down and write out every possible scenario and what to expect, but do you really want to play on The World of Rules?
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Postby John Duklain on Mon Jun 07, 2004 10:11 pm

Rules are a good thing. I, personally, don't have a problem with them, whether it's one rule or a hundred. But that's just me. Alot of people don't like alot of rules.

But, clarification of rules is not, making too many rules. It's still the same number of rules, just defined clearly so that there is no question.

My two cents.
John Duklain
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Postby Dell-Leafsong on Mon Jun 07, 2004 11:27 pm


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2 cents

Postby Hawkwind on Fri Jun 18, 2004 8:49 am

Greetings Friends :)
(same subject)
I would like to say that my first encounter with a GM on this shard was quite brief, abrupt, and ended the same way. (ie. if you have any questions, comments or Greetings to me, please address them to the wall behind you, I don't have time and neather do you, end of message).

That is the information I gathered from my first encounter.
I believe the conversation that was offered went like this; GM:"What was that name again? I think not".
That was the entire comunication.
The thing is that I did read the rules before I was invited here. (A nice bunch of players I have found here and I want to make that clear).
The Rules of Names;
What is an inappropriate name?

An inappropriate name is a name that one of the GMs, Player Relations or the Lead Admin thinks is inappropriate. If you choose an inappropriate name, you'll be asked to choose a different name. If you can't think of a different name which is not inappropriate, you'll be renamed to Bob, or Joe or Fred or Sue (or anything else the GM decides to name you).

In general:

Don't name yourself after a fictional character from any popular sci-fi or fantasy adventure novel, movie, or game.
Don't name yourself something kewl.
Don't name yourself something that makes you sound like the evil-dude from a bad D&D novel.
Don't name yourself after a comic book superhero or supervillain.
Don't name yourself something stupid.
Don't name yourself something that is funny the first time you see it, but then gets less funny each time you see it after that.
Please note: The "Do not give yourself an inappropriate name"-rule applies even if you see some other player's character with a name that you feel is inappropriate. If a GM has decided someone else's stupid name is permissable, this does not mean that you can name yourself something stupid.

((Don't name yourself after a fictional character from any popular sci-fi or fantasy adventure novel, movie, or game.))
I believe I fell and do fall into this catagory if one knows something of extreemly old UO history and seldom a main chr of anything. Hawkwind AKA; Akihur, Timprelem, Time Lord, assosiated with ~Vas Kal An Mani In Corp Hur Tim~
So I want to turn myself in :) After all, one of my chr's heads was chopped off.

The name is not the real issue, yet "I" saw no foul in it, but I'm no judge, GM or Staff.

The real issue was the abuptness of the encounter.

When I "log On", I try my best to feel the wind on my face. As if it's a real world, with real inspiration to be in. If I were walking down the real world street and someone knocked my hat off, I would at least exspect a "hello or excuse me", some type of recognition as a human beeing or living entity. We as humans will tell a fly to shooo!
So basicly I was told to shoo! or at least my name was, with nothing more.

After this exp. I felt baddly having so offended the GM with my name, I did'nt play at all for a day. It made me feel welcomed by players and condemed by Host.

It wasn't the deed the GM did that causes this post, but the way in which it was carried out.

I had spoken with an In/Game friend of mine about what name I had choosen for the chr of a child before this encounter. He sugested just naming it, and if they didn't like it, they'ld change it. Well it was. But he also told me of the Staff being "very friendly". So I took it that this would be a good time to meet a staff member. I paged a GM just after creating my #2 chr. Silly Me :( I don't like to hide anything but clues :(

Now to turn myself in;
I named my first chr "Hawkwind". Hawkwind is one of the very first Ultima chrs. He is resposible for having brought the first Avatar from earth to Brit in order to save it. He is also resposible for informing the Avatar of the world of wisps known as Xornia. His last encounter with Ultima was written of in a book called "My Story" by Sherry the mouse. In that book it tells of Hawkwind taking Lord Brit though a gate never to be seen again. So Hawkwind or the Time Lord has only been seen apox 3 times in the Ultima story total.

Which brings me to an honest player's question;
""Is real history outlawed here""? <--(as far as I'm concerned that's an important question as you do have The Book of Circles here from the Kingdom of Gar) or is it by apointment only ie Seers and GM exclusive like the Queen?

...Hamlet...<---is this a wrongfull name as it was mentioned in Shakespears work?

I'll empty all my chrs belongings and try again after I see a Staff Member's Post :)

Please be kind, I come in peace :)

Your Eturnal Friend,
"What was that name again?"
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Postby Drocket on Fri Jun 18, 2004 9:14 am

Hawkwind is a band. Although they're not very big in the states, I believe that they're pretty popular in Europe. Most likely that's what the GM in question thought you were naming yourself after.

I do admit that not all naming violations are treated equally. That's just because we've found that there's a few different classifications of people who need renamed. On the 'good' end are people who simply name themselves something a bit too close to an existing character, or maybe choose a name that's a bit 'darker' than would really be appropriate. On the other end are dorks who name themselves really stupid stuff, such as, say, after a band, and who wants Metallica and Bon Jovi running around in-game?

I'm not saying that you're in the second group (from your post here, you definitely sound like you're not): its just that I suspect that when they saw your name, they THOUGHT you were in the second group and really wasn't in the mood to deal with someone from that group since its rarely fun to deal with someone in that group (it usually requires about 500 back-and-forths while they pick out different, slightly more obscure bands, before moving on to requesting names from drummers or some other god-awful name.)

Of course, if Hawkwind is an existing character in in-game fiction, I'm not really sure if you should name yourself after them anyway.
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Postby Bassett on Fri Jun 18, 2004 9:15 am

I don't mean to offend, but it will clearly turn to it: Who would name their child as Time Lord.
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