Raymond E. Feist
Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:25 am
by Azzo Ranar
Nothing repititious about his books, in fact, I can easily say it was the "Magician" series that started my thirst for fantasy. Pug was one BAMF!!
Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:02 pm
by Marius the Black
I really liked the start of Magician, with the siege and stuff. I felt the book was really lacking towards the end; the story just felt weaker.
What I really, really enjoyed about the series was where the chapters divided the story up, to intertwine the plots. It had a great "I want to know more!" sense to it. I tried to get that when I wrote my Marius series; that "ooh, just another chapter!" sort of feeling.
Thu Jul 01, 2004 5:02 pm
by Ehran
Feist is a fine author. i understand his books are based upon a long time dungeons and dragons campaign. my personal favourites though are the trilogy set on the far side of the gate. very jappanese sort of culture there and well developed over the course of the three books. it seems like he isn't going to go back there any time soon which is a pity.
Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:32 pm
by Laephis
I enjoyed Feist as well, and if you are looking for some decent summer fantasy reading, would recommend him over Robert Jordan any day.
Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:07 am
by Kramer Vorlock
There is a UO shard based on the book
http://www.sorcerorsquest.no-ip.info/feanor/index.php is the link to the website. It is a pretty good shard.