The History of WoD is calling you...

I have been asked to be the "unofficial" WoD Historian. Since writing is my first love, I gladly accepted. Recounting the history of this place I call home has been and will be an act of joy.
However, I need EVERYONE'S help. We have been up and running for going on 4 years now. Barely 6 months is chronicled, and that just isn't acceptable.
What I am asking EVERYONE to do is to recount for me one (or more) specific incident that you participated in. Now, before you say "I don't do quests" or "I wasn't here then," hear me out. I'm not talking about the big shard-wide Gizash-type quests. I'm talking about every day things, like hunting, visiting in the bank, making crafts etc., in addition to the big Quests.
The fact is, NO ONE can be everywhere at once, not even Drocket (can you D-man?
From the newer players, what we need is perspective on the various events that occur here on a daily basis. I feel that EVERYONE has a story to tell, and it is the accumulation of those stories that is the TRUE history of this place we all love.
If you slayed a dragon for the first time, tell us about it. If you killed your first bone knight, tell us about it. If you went to the graveyard and died within the first 20 seconds, tell us about it. Try to put some of YOUR personality into the event--your feelings, emotions, thoughts--good or bad.
Write in the first person ("I walked up the road to the graveyard and saw a ghost, zombie and skeleton, all ready to eat my brains") or as a narrative ("The lonely warrior, his armor rusting at the joints, made his way to the dank Brit Graveyard...")
Most of all, HAVE FUN with it.
For the oldbies, your task is a bit more difficult. What we need from all of you is to open your "memory banks" and recall the events that you recall from before. Before what, you may ask? Before now. I know that Felix, Ciara, Magus, Edison, Ehran, Michella, Roderick etc have been around a lot longer than I have. Therefore, they have seen and experienced more than a lot of us.
I was reading the History section last evening, seeing the names of the Legends, and wishing I had been there when Cove was first founded and then sacked; or when the Chaos Guards were formed; or when Moonglow was considering leaving the Realm. How exciting! What I ask of all of you "more veteran" players is to recount those events as you remember them. Those and the countless others that are not currently chronicled. If you prefer to do an overview of events, that's fine. If you would like to do a first-person narrative of the first time you went to the Brit Graveyard, feel free.
A couple last things: I am by no means a professional writer, though I aspire to be one someday (see "A Prologue" and "Dark Wind: Chapter 1" in Fellowship Hall Forum). If you want to relay the information to me and then have me write it up as a narrative, we can certainly do that. Writing is my first love, after all.
Also, don't limit yourselves to just one submission. If you went on a quest, killed your first bone knight and then went on a rescue, feel free to write up three separate items. The more the merrier! In addition, I would love to do a series of interviews with the players, the older ones first, and publish those for everyone to read. As I said earlier, everyone has a story!
Please remember that I need the information to write down the history, and all of you ARE that history. There is no reason why we can't have 10, 50 or 100 historians actively detailing the events of this wondrous place.
Finally, if you want to post your account in the Quest Forum, that's fine. If you would prefer to send it to me privately, my e-mail address is active in my profile. I will be submitting them to The Manual to fill the voids left in our history, and I hope I can count on everyone to help me do that.
Thanks for your attention.
However, I need EVERYONE'S help. We have been up and running for going on 4 years now. Barely 6 months is chronicled, and that just isn't acceptable.
What I am asking EVERYONE to do is to recount for me one (or more) specific incident that you participated in. Now, before you say "I don't do quests" or "I wasn't here then," hear me out. I'm not talking about the big shard-wide Gizash-type quests. I'm talking about every day things, like hunting, visiting in the bank, making crafts etc., in addition to the big Quests.
The fact is, NO ONE can be everywhere at once, not even Drocket (can you D-man?

From the newer players, what we need is perspective on the various events that occur here on a daily basis. I feel that EVERYONE has a story to tell, and it is the accumulation of those stories that is the TRUE history of this place we all love.
If you slayed a dragon for the first time, tell us about it. If you killed your first bone knight, tell us about it. If you went to the graveyard and died within the first 20 seconds, tell us about it. Try to put some of YOUR personality into the event--your feelings, emotions, thoughts--good or bad.
Write in the first person ("I walked up the road to the graveyard and saw a ghost, zombie and skeleton, all ready to eat my brains") or as a narrative ("The lonely warrior, his armor rusting at the joints, made his way to the dank Brit Graveyard...")
Most of all, HAVE FUN with it.
For the oldbies, your task is a bit more difficult. What we need from all of you is to open your "memory banks" and recall the events that you recall from before. Before what, you may ask? Before now. I know that Felix, Ciara, Magus, Edison, Ehran, Michella, Roderick etc have been around a lot longer than I have. Therefore, they have seen and experienced more than a lot of us.
I was reading the History section last evening, seeing the names of the Legends, and wishing I had been there when Cove was first founded and then sacked; or when the Chaos Guards were formed; or when Moonglow was considering leaving the Realm. How exciting! What I ask of all of you "more veteran" players is to recount those events as you remember them. Those and the countless others that are not currently chronicled. If you prefer to do an overview of events, that's fine. If you would like to do a first-person narrative of the first time you went to the Brit Graveyard, feel free.
A couple last things: I am by no means a professional writer, though I aspire to be one someday (see "A Prologue" and "Dark Wind: Chapter 1" in Fellowship Hall Forum). If you want to relay the information to me and then have me write it up as a narrative, we can certainly do that. Writing is my first love, after all.

Also, don't limit yourselves to just one submission. If you went on a quest, killed your first bone knight and then went on a rescue, feel free to write up three separate items. The more the merrier! In addition, I would love to do a series of interviews with the players, the older ones first, and publish those for everyone to read. As I said earlier, everyone has a story!
Please remember that I need the information to write down the history, and all of you ARE that history. There is no reason why we can't have 10, 50 or 100 historians actively detailing the events of this wondrous place.
Finally, if you want to post your account in the Quest Forum, that's fine. If you would prefer to send it to me privately, my e-mail address is active in my profile. I will be submitting them to The Manual to fill the voids left in our history, and I hope I can count on everyone to help me do that.
Thanks for your attention.