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Where do we(theplayers)go from here?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:40 pm
by Rroucu
Is there any mass migration or such going on?
Is anyone going to play on another shard?
The kindred spirit that was in WOD, can live on in ANY other shard if we the players, allow it to.
Just go elsewhere, all of us and keep the spirit alive. I for one try to be a part of any online community the same way I did here in WOD, with honesty and integrity. Caring and love. So the pain we all feel isnt because of this virtual land being deleted. It is the spirit of comradery, and joy of being with each other. So go out and keep that joy.
Make it real for you and what you want it to be.
You dont need WOD for that. WE are the WOD.

Good luck to you all!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:55 pm
by Baldo
Well if you want to know.... Some of us are at Wragg Marsh, Sorcerers Quest, Maves Garden, Heartwood Paradise, etc...... Those that I named are the main ones that I can think of buddy.....

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:55 pm
by Homer
Some of us are trying to help Drocket with a new project he is developing (follow the link to Drocket's website and look for "The Project" in his forums). Others are playing at Ackadia, I guess mostly on the Raw shard, but I can't tell you how to make contact there, since I have been trying unsuccessfully to do so myself.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:38 pm
by Wolfie
no one's at heartwood paradise anymore, most of us that were there and some others have moved to Lost Realms
there's me, the Ateis, Belle, Sitheca, Floyd, and sorry whoever I left out :)

Edit: oops, forgot Henna *hides*

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:47 pm
by Baldo
Wolfie wrote:no one's at heartwood paradise anymore, most of us that were there and some others have moved to Lost Realms
there's me, the Ateis, Belle, Sitheca, Floyd, and sorry whoever I left out :)

Edit: oops, forgot Henna *hides*
*looks flaberghasted* You forgot Henna?! *screams*

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:14 pm
by Zipdai
Homer wrote:Others are playing at Ackadia, I guess mostly on the Raw shard, but I can't tell you how to make contact there, since I have been trying unsuccessfully to do so myself.

Send Ack an email to and he will waive the application process and just get an account started up for you.

If you're still having problems making contact, email me at . I have contact with Ack on a semi-regular basis and can relay any message you wish.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:17 pm
by Henna
Wolfie wrote:Edit: oops, forgot Henna *hides*

Heh. Thanks Wolfie. :P

For any of you who are still searching for a shard, I *highly* recommend Lost Realms. The people are friendly, the admin are *incredible*, the map is cool, the new clothes are awesome, there was a quest my second day there, lots of familiar dot commands, tons of new static houses to buy (half price till the end of the month), and I could just go on and on.

I've tried the Marsh (actually really fun but laggy and has some major flaws in set up), Heartwood (awful, don't even try it), and Ackadia, which, for some reason, most of the wodian's I have talked to are not crazy about, including me. I really recommend Lost Realms if anyone here is still looking for a place that actually feels like a home.

Would love to see you there, Rro, and all the rest of you guys. :D


PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:04 pm
by Aimee Duk.
Well thanks Henna I doubted I would go to another shard since mum has doubts but I'm trying I was going to Heartwood but if the word is it stinks then I'm going with the flow. I also found another game but it's not any thing about UO it's called Conquer and pretty cool. Anyway I miss you all and hope to pop up somewhere. So in the meantime...See ya'll later! :)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:52 pm
by Bassett
A finnish shard called Andromeda is getting wiped this weekend, it's mostly finnish-only shard but there are some finnish guys around here too.
It's like: 50rp/50pk shard, roleplayers have their own community and pk's hang around just outside guardzones slurring at everyone, most of players are kids.
Doesn't sound too cool? Maybe correct, but i'll go there anyway - events are on more fitting time than on outside-europe shards.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:31 pm
by Nia Atei
Hiya Everyone!

I'm just posting to reiterate what Henna said. :P
Lots of us are on Lost Realms...probably about 20 of us now. I posted in detail about it under the "What Shard" topic. I would like to amend one thing though. Although you start out with only one character, after about 2 months, you are allowed to create a second. No muling allowed though - and you can't have two tradesman class characters.

It's a very cool shard, guys. Great map, helpful friendly staff and players...and there are now enough WoDians there that it really is beginning to feel like home. If you haven't yet, please come check us out. There are are a lot of people here who miss ya!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 4:14 pm
by Elwen Dragonfire
the lost realms huh? who all is there? Is there room for Elwen? :(

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:29 pm
by Wolfie
Elwen Dragonfire wrote:the lost realms huh? who all is there? Is there room for Elwen? :(

come on over, wod people are taking over the shard :twisted:

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:13 pm
by Nia Atei
Mmm...Me, Aellius, Henna, Belle, Wolfie, Caramon, Macitor, Blaze, Floyd, Jasper...I know Jocilyn, Bronwyn, and Whisper just applied...uhm, Whiskers, erm...Trakas is on the Lost Realms boards and will prolly apply in the near future...lemme see...Funky Bodal...ummm...there's more but my memory is failing me. :) Like I said, there are about 20 of us or so...come try us out :).

Hope to see ya ;)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:38 pm
by Rroucu
Thanks guys The Lost Realms is great!
I needed my gaming fix...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:02 pm
by BabyKinz
I cant get into Lost Realms for some reason and IM too lazy to figure out why :oops: