Cast of players
Rocks Silivan, Angelica, Ogden (d), Wulf Stormrider (d), Juliana Kendumo, Kasia Stydoran, Sethlenara, Strade Silverbow, Edison, Raybell, Gall, Jim Greenfire (d?), Loakie (d), Genji and of course myself.
First off i would offer apologies to any who had their daily routine disrupted by the thunderous explosions earlier this day. We were unable to prevent the second bomb from going off. Why what bomb you ask and that is indeed a very good question. To start at the very beginning. There was endless fire in the Void. hmm perhaps not quite so far back as that.
Earlier this day a pretorian approached one of our fair citizens and announced that Viceroy Blandon would like to converse with some of the heroes of WoD at the trinsic bank in the very near future. This seemed such a good opportunity to see what ol blandon had been up to lately that angelica and i rushed off to trinsic. now since the last time i saw blandon he had promised to board a boat to amn i figured on catching up on the latest news of my homeland. Turns out blandon had been living with the monks at Yew rather than taking the sea trip. blandon had rather grim news for us when we met. It seems that the Pretorians had finally resolved their infighting about their future course of action. Seems the lot that wanted to leave our fair shores and go elsewhere had won out in the end. Slow learners that lot since we have been kicking them about like a ratty old soccer ball since they arrived lo those many years ago. while this would normally be a cause for celebration there was of course a downer. Seems they had decided to "punish" trinsic for resisting their advances over the last years by blowing the city right off the continent. To do this they had produced a barrel of the most potent magically enhanced smoke powder you couldn't imagine. The plan was to use a smallish party to rush it into the city and detonate it catching everyone by surprise. Blandon with his contacts inside the Prets discovered their plan and was properly horrified by it. the murder of defenseless civilians being abhorrent to all men of honour he took steps at once to head this off. So warned we headed immediately for the shores of trinsic which we found with no trouble at all once someone took over the navigating from me.
Near the shore we encountered a modest force of prets led by a priestess of some sort. once the guards were cleared away we discovered the barrel of smoke powder sitting on the beach. guess the guards dumped it there when they rushed off to cut us down. We hefted it somewhat gingerly not knowing what it would take to set it off and returned to blandon at the bank. now i realize in the cold light of morning that it really wasn't all that bright to lug the bomb into the centre of a populated town but all i can say is that at the time i didn't appreciate just how dangerous a toy i was carrying about.
Blandon was pretty disconcerted by the actual existance of the bomb since he was running on rumour up to then. at this point he said it was very possible there was a second bomb at the pret fort to be used to remove it so that we might not profit from their departure. while ordinarily prets blowing up their own base wouldn't strike me as something to lose sleep over this was still a glorious chance to give them one last boot in the pants. So we did our preparations and gated down to the fort where we found again a modest guard force which only slowed us due to the utter heroism of the pret elite guards. what a great pity such bravery is wasted on the prets. we found another large barrel of smoke powder down by the pret docks but this one had been "tamped" i think is the engineering term for it and couldn't be pried loose. blandon offered to take a look at it before we started trying to wrench it loose by main force. thinking he might know something of the rather intricate clockwork mechanism that seems to be attached to the bomb we let him. turns out blandon did indeed know quite a bit about the clockwork. pulled one little key and suddenly the clockwork started spinning madly. blandon then announced he had triggered the "countdown timer" and we should all vacate the area lest we be blasted to flinders. blandon declined to leave announcing that he chose to end his life this way in order to reclaim his honour. Personally i think it was a damn fool way to die but to each his own i always say.
we withdrew save for ogden who chose to stand beside the barrel right to the bitter end for reasons that quite elude me. we rode back a good half mile and reined in to watch the show. some of the more daring rode closer once the explosions started and didn't seem so bad. most of the casualties suffered happened during this phase. sethlenara decided to go check out the prets other camp which i call the command college. feeling it unwise for a single person to go i and a few others rode along. we found no shortage of prets up there and dispatched a few when there came a most horrendous explosion. we returned as soon as we were told connor was at the pret base wondering what on earth had happened. we briefed him on events and he felt it wise to place the bomb from trinsic into the vault behind the throne for safekeeping.
there was somd discussion at this point of where the prets had fled to and whether or not blandon had pulled a fast one on us somehow. as to the first only time will tell if our prets have vanished away completely and as for blandon who can know what that strange honour code of the prets could drive a man to.
Connor also announced that our Queen is planning to grace us with an audience soon.