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For the Attention of...Marius the Black

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:10 pm
by funkybodal
Dear Marius,

You owe me 120,000 gold pieces and if I don't get it then you're a dead man.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:33 pm
by Dragonan
LOL I fell off my chair in laughter, thats awesome!

:lol: :D

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:19 pm
by Zanzabar
Dear Marius,

You owe me 300,000 gold pieces.


'credit' : is only an evil term when combined with 'card'

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 10:46 am
by Marius the Black
Borrowing money from the Funkster: $120,000

Helping Zan sell his house: $300,000

Never having to pay it back, thanks to the shard closure: Priceless!

(or also Fraud ;) )

- Marius the Debtor
Expecting the Repo-Man Soon

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:49 pm
by Azzo Ranar
Figures, and I just collected enough gold to build my golden castle!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:16 pm
by Trakas
timing is always off aint it azzo

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:41 pm
by Wolfie
I got a tempered plate legs of invul and healing and magic reflection the morning before the closing was announced
best item I ever got and didnt really have a chance to use it

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:11 pm
by Atei
Those "mega uber" items were plentiful during the last week. Aellius got an indy silver bow of archery and destruction.