by Homer on Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:05 pm
I agree with you, WOD is just one impossible change after another.
When Dundee implemented that pay-for-skills thing, I tried to tell him I couldn't play that way...
When Dundee set the limits on number of skills you could max out, I tried to tell him it meant the end of the universe as we know it...
When he started that rediculous "death tax" thing for skill losses dying, I actually quit the shard for a while...
Fatigue? Drocket, I can't play like that!
Drocket!!! The monsters are too smart now- the game is unplayable.
What I am telling you, is that change is not new to WOD and it will never stop- nor should it. Your reaction is natural, but give yourself time to cool off and you may find you can get by. Remember, on the Buc's Den adventure I solo'd with all five characters armed with daggers, no armor, no buffs and ended up controlling the island- by wits and patience rather than raw power.
Of course, I haven't ALWAYS been wrong about changes not working. Some of them have been stinkers or miscalculated. But Drocket knows that, watches the results closely, and adjusts as necessary. If the change doesn't work to improve overall game play, he will trash it in a heartbeat and go back to the drawing board. However, the batting average for technical changes on the shard is much better than our batting average predicting doom as results of them. Take a couple of deep breaths, take two days off- then go back and show Drocket you don't need no stinking 36 AR.