by Kranisar on Thu Dec 04, 2003 10:13 am
You need to look at regionspawn.cfg located somewhere like.
Just open it up in notepad. Read the top for details. This is one of the lines where the Praet's are at.
//Praetorian camp east of vesper
region 58
rect 3330 520 3360 600
group praetorians 100
You can add your own region or use one already made up.
I use uo automap to find the rect cordinates.
You could, but I wouldn't of Course, try this.
//brit forest
region 1
rect 1186 1330 1322 1532
group domestic 6
group newbieforest 6
group newbie 16
group praetorians 100
This would be an example of adding them to Britian forest,not good!!