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Courtesy of Group Hunting Guidelines

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:53 am
by ShadowStone
Having heard of some recent events dealing with group hunting and loot splitting, Kirsten Darkstar and I decided to write a little book dealing with guidelines to the subject. As a warning: this is only a guide, from the experience I've had from almost 3 years of group hunting, and it is only to be taken as a guide, not as rules set in stone :)
FYI, part of this may look familiar because some were taken from Randell's questing guide. I figured people need to review it anyways.

Starting the Hunt:

1. Ask to join the group. Don't always assume you are welcome. A sad fact is that sometimes the group does not want anyone else to hunt.
2. Picking a looter. No, it doesn't go to whoever yells "I'm looting" first. It should be based on trust to make sure the person doesn't steal anything away from the group. Also no more than 2 looters for a group. If the case arises where 3 looters are needed, slow down the pace of the hunt. The goal is usually to finish without casualties, not finish as soon as possible.

During the Hunt:

1. If the looter has to leave the group, have him or her hand over the loot to another trustworthy person to continue looting. Do -NOT- leave the group with loot in tow, for this will only cause animosity, bickering, and general distrust of the person in questions
2. If you come across a group who is already hunting in the area, ask before joining or killing the same monsters they are.
3. If a person dies, all looting should cease around the body, so the person can be ressurected and be allowed to collect his belongings. Looting shall resume when the person has all of their stuff back.
4. People who died should loot using .grab 1 to ensure they get their .owned stuff first. Then he or she shall carefully pick through to collect the rest of their stuff.

After the Hunt:

1. All loot shall be given to a designated splitter, based on the same criteria as designating a looter. Gold shall be split, then magics, then misc. items (such as maps, hides, reagents, etc.) if needed.
2. Two main ways of splitting magics. One is to only roll for magics that you have spec'd. Such as a sword can only go towards a swordsman, or a meditation buff can only to towards a mage. This way of splitting is mostly designed for very large groups. The other way is to let everybody roll, and the highest roller gets to pick whatever, and the second gets a pick of what's left, and so on.
3. Splitting tends to get messy when people join halfway through the hunt. The group can either a) allow the person a full share of everything, b) allow the person a share proportional to how long he or she was there, or c) allow the person no loot at all. Once again, this is a group and democratic decision.
4. In extreme cases, the group can decide to forfeit all loot to a person who breaks an abovementioned guideline. In essence, the group was nice enough to let you join, now play nice or else you don't get squat. Have a nice day :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:23 am
by Azalin4savioR
I for one being a person that has been a designated loot splitter, would like to add something to the after the hunt spot! For those people who have to leave early before the split is finished, you should hand over a .owned bag for gold, and try to get a trusted friend to roll for a magic if you so want one, but note to the group or the splitter of the friend doing so.
Also patience is a virtue. Theres alot of stuff alot of times to go through, magics to ID and gold to add up and divide and a bunch of people bickering in the splitters ear for them to hurry up and be done with it, doesnt help at all! I know of a few quests I have seen end where people dont even bother sitting through the splitting process for the complaining and such drives them away!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 8:34 am
by Marius the Black
Maybe some less loot-oriented guidelines would be handy, too.

Like, don't rush ahead of the group when they're resting/buffing up and train monsters back, and be careful with area effect spells. It's probably good for mages to know if they're on healing patrol or attack, because depending on what the mage (or mages) do, it can change the tone of the hunt from aggressive assault to stand-and-slug-it-out.

And of course, we forget the MOST important rule:

If Marius is in your group, give all your treasure to him. :twisted:


PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:12 am
by Azalin4savioR
Thank you Marius, you made me think of another important guideline for group hunting. DONT throw explosion potions into the midst of the group your hunting with!

Also make sure you only give orc helms and torches you find to Marius, thats all hes worth in a hunt *grin*

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:06 pm
by Azzo Ranar
And the song remains the same lol. I suggest when group hunting if you have a problem child, warn them 3 times then have your friendly naighborhood necromancer kill them, and keep them dead until the hunt is over then you can explain to them what they did wrong. Of course you need to pick up their gear and not let it decay. Same goes for looters, kill em and let em live later. Remember, this is only a guidline, and would probly be frowned upon by the PTB, but would be extremely effective.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:22 pm
by Tamla Tamara
Azzo Ranar wrote:And the song remains the same lol. I suggest when group hunting if you have a problem child, warn them 3 times then have your friendly naighborhood necromancer kill them, and keep them dead until the hunt is over then you can explain to them what they did wrong. Of course you need to pick up their gear and not let it decay. Same goes for looters, kill em and let em live later. Remember, this is only a guidline, and would probly be frowned upon by the PTB, but would be extremely effective.

I don't recommend killing anybody. This is not a pk shard. I hope this was a joke. Just have to say something in case others take it seriously. If your having a problem child and talking doesn't settle the matter, page a GM.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:23 pm
by Ehran
Azzo Ranar wrote:And the song remains the same lol. I suggest when group hunting if you have a problem child, warn them 3 times then have your friendly naighborhood necromancer kill them, and keep them dead until the hunt is over then you can explain to them what they did wrong. Of course you need to pick up their gear and not let it decay. Same goes for looters, kill em and let em live later. Remember, this is only a guidline, and would probly be frowned upon by the PTB, but would be extremely effective.

this is likely going to be considered PKing. i somehow don't see "it was for his own good" flying as an explanation. at the very least you need more subtlety than an outright assault on his person. simply stop healing the twit and if he dies pick up his stuff but ressing him isn't happening. take the time to tell him why though so you don't come off as quite the butthead.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:41 pm
by simon
Not everyone will take gold, some just go along for the hunt. That is pretty much how I do group hunts now, rarely taking gold, just rolling for any good magics.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 7:23 pm
by Azzo Ranar
Aye twas intended as sarcasm hence the notice that the PTB may frown upon it, more likely they would beat first me for suggesting it then take out some lighter punishment on the offending person lol. Hey I have't been smacked around by Sio for some time now.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:28 am
by ShadowStone
Marius the Black wrote:Maybe some less loot-oriented guidelines would be handy, too.

....[*Marius rambles on as usual*]

Randell's guide is perfect for that, this was just mainly for loot :)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:08 pm
by Azzo Ranar
By the way, it isn't PKing if you kill SS, it is pest control. Kinda like killing a know how they are.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:44 pm
by ShadowStone
Wasn't there a big and heated thread some time ago talking about dealing with runners and annoying people on quests? I know I certainly was on the flamed side there along with Chastain hehe. I still believe sometimes we need to take matters into our own hands. :twisted:

No need for panic or flames: this is just a joke

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:24 pm
by Marius the Black
I agree.

Kill 'em all and let Siobhan sort it out. :wink:


PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:24 pm
by Azzo Ranar
Marius, that was a comment only an Azzo would make! lol

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:01 am
by ShadowStone
Azzo Ranar wrote:Marius, that was a comment only an Azzo would make! lol

Maybe Marius is Azzo!!! :shock: