Marius the Black wrote:No one asks the Admin to do what they do, that is true. But no one asks me to try and help improve something I care about. What difference is there, besides assumed power?
Except that you do not hold the power to make the change. You can propose a change in the system but that's as much as you'll be able to accomplish from your position. Whether we like it or not, WoD has never been--and in all likelihood will never be--a democracy (rule by the people). As someone already mentioned, WoD is a benign oligarchy at best (quite a small one too) and players are no more than guests in the Admin's abode. Admins make the rules and enforce them. Players are asked to obey them at acquiesce to Admins' demands. Should the Admins decice Marius is not an acceptable name anymore, there isn't much you can do about it. There doesn't need to be any previously written guidelines specifying the reason why the name Marius is not acceptable anymore. After all, all rules were arbitarily imposed at some point or another (though that does not mean there is not a logical rationale behind them--it is just not always necessary for players to understand what that rationale is).
What happens when the Admin leave, if there are none to take their place? Do we let WoD die as we cling to these strange customs where people must bend their knee to people no greater than themselves because they hold some imagined authority?
Their authority is not imagined. It is very real. Should Laephis and Drocket decide to pull the plug on WoD tonight, there isn't anything you can do to stop them. Personally, I like to believe Admins always make fair decisions and they have good reasons to do/request the things they do. But the fact of the matter is they do not need to. It could very well be that new Admins will take over WoD in the future and things might change drastically. Who knows, maybe you could become an Admin someday and effect some of the changes you've been wanting to see (most unlikely though

We, the players, have no access or understanding to what the Admin do, so none of us (as players) can be sure of just how much is going on.
That is partially correct. Admins are (in the current status quo) under no obligation to explain themselves to you. Nevertheless, countless times I've seen GMs and Admins do exactly that.
You are probably wondering why must things must be this way. I do not have an answer for you. I resigned myself long ago to accept that for the most part Admins in WoD will act justly and with the shard's wellbeing in mind. I'm not an Admin and never have been one. I don't mean to sound too presumptuous but if I had been one, things might have been different (though not necessarily better). I bet you probably feel the same way.
In any case, I believe that if we are forced to remain in the position that we are, the Admin should at least become accountable to the players for their actions. But, that is another argument.
Accountable? Yes, sounds nice. Yet I couldn't honestly say that they are. Ultimately, Admins are accountable only to themselves. MOST Admins, however, will make an attempt to be fair and equittable. But you must understand that you have no power or authority to tell them what to do or what not to do.
And alas, the old saying remains true. You can either accept this fact and continue being a part of WoD, or you can choose to pass and go elsewhere. It's not a threat or bullying. As Ehran already said, it is merely a statement of fact.