Ugh . . . Benson potions

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Postby Atei on Mon May 17, 2004 7:52 pm

Bayn wrote:Regarding the extraordinarily low probability of Benson potions producing anything worthwhile: as others have stated, 10K is such a modest amount that it doesn't really matter. It is like a 1 in 100 million chance of winning a major lottery, you'll probably never win but does it hurt to plunk down your dollar to buy a ticket? :)

Yes you did, Bayn--sorry.
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Postby Ehran on Tue May 18, 2004 1:53 am

Boy howdy, you should hear how some people pronounce jalapeno or tortilla.

i played in a dnd game with a guy for 8 months before realizing his name Ja la pen oh (phonetically) was just a mangled form of the pepper. how's that for mental density :lol:
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Postby Ehran on Tue May 18, 2004 1:54 am

Atei wrote:
Bayn wrote:Regarding the extraordinarily low probability of Benson potions producing anything worthwhile: as others have stated, 10K is such a modest amount that it doesn't really matter. It is like a 1 in 100 million chance of winning a major lottery, you'll probably never win but does it hurt to plunk down your dollar to buy a ticket? :)

Yes you did, Bayn--sorry.

if you are going to give the other guy cred for the idea what's the point in my going to all the trouble of ripping it off in the first place. :cry:
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Postby Joka Atticus on Tue May 18, 2004 3:48 pm

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A soapbox [crafted by Marius]

Postby Marius the Black on Thu May 20, 2004 6:37 am

Considering that maybe only Ackadia is the ONLY other shard to have a Benson (or derivative; Bensonette? *shrug*), I'd call us very lucky to have him in the first place. I've played on several shards, to some that don't have magics at all, to those that have lotteries and quests and disgustingly-coloured hues in abundance. WoD, I believe, touches the closest to balancing player happiness with shard longevity.

If we were to get uber items from Benson, then EVERYTHING collected (save the best) would be a Benson - even more so than now - and everyone would have ultimate items. As far as it goes now, the standards already surprise me: "Oh, that's just a Benson!" is quite possibly the second most quoted phrase, other than "Marius is the King of Everything, I think I'll give him all my gold and rares!". :twisted:

Joram, sorry if I misread your posts' point of view, but as of the matter of Bensons and the fact that we have them, there really isn't, I believe, any big deal. Collect another 100ish magics and ten gold, and by the time you get that indy leather tunic of magery (or whatever) and earn your six million gold, you'll STILL be better off having had to trade in 1000ish magics and 100k gold by far. Coupled with the chances that by regularly hunting, you'll find a good magic anyway, Benson is all the reason to hunt (and thus increase your chances by far) than to complain when you get a loser item.

Besides, any exclusive dealer of a desired substance doesn't give out his good stuff first. You start with a little, and give out more and more slowly, until they're hooked. Heh. 8)

As for Celeste, all I can say is that playing the victim gets really tiresome. Whether [you] are or aren't doing that, I cannot say for sure, but it's certainly how I perceive what you're doing as. I mean, it's heroic and all for the 'newbies' to have a martyr and their rights defended (I did a lot of that myself early on, check out my posts last year), but whatever you've recieved in the attention department falls entirely on your shoulders. I've been patient with you and I could not possibly care less about your tirades on the forums (it's seriously not worth it) and I'd be happy to talk with you and hang out with you and whatever, any time. But please accept responsibility for your actions - you've no one else to blame.

Joram, I say again that I'm sorry for mis-reading your post. You and I tend to disagree a bit, but I wasn't out to hunt you or start a flame or anything. :P I actually enjoy argui -- 'debating' with you, but I did take that out of context, and I'll try not to do it next time.

But, to sum up the whole Benson issue: I hope anyone who complains about benson doesn't still cry on Christmas when they don't get what they want. I mean, when people give me, Marius the Black, socks and jocks to me on Christmas, I MAY just cast plague and torture their souls for eternity, but I would never, ever think about crying!


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