Well when i first read this i was in shock and awe. I was like this has to be a joke right then read Drockets post and my heart sunk. This place i had come to love and all these people that i may never see again just blew my mind. I would say let me run it but i know i dont have the time or skills and the admin sure dont know me well enough for that to happen, it would mostly be selfish in a way cause i don t want to see this place die. If there is anyone who would take up the reigns that the admin find acceptable i encourage them to do the right thing for them and for all the people that have come to honor them for all the hard work even though as they say alot of it is without reward. I say the reward is seeing the friendships that have grown from something as small as an online video game and seeing all the people sad to see it go. Most shards that i see go down end with people bitching and complaing that the admin dont care. I know for a fact that the admin do care i mean why else would the have put so much work into somethign for so long. Well whatever the admins decide if there is anyway i can help them or if someone new steps in my contact info is on the fellowhip board please contact me and i will do all that is in my power to help. And to all the friends that i have made, please use this same info to keep in touch as i will miss you all greatly. Well enough of my long windedness.
*steps of his box*
Trakas Soulfire/Sokali Tokara/Singala/Tolgaro Soulfire