This morning I read a message from my brother Kayn, detailing the perilous fun he had throwing snowballs at snow ninja. I decided to give it a try and took the snow portal in Britain.
Kayn had warned me how dangerous the ninja were but the main danger was the ice stars they threw. If I ran out of snowballs I found it best to just sit tight and let them pummel me until more snowballs appeared in my pack.
I also noticed that although Kayn had said two snowballs often did the job, it -always- took three snowballs this morning. Maybe the snow ninja got tougher overnight?
I was turning in more gifts to Chuck that I had retrieved when I met Gildor Bloodoak. We chatted a bit and I mentioned that an earth elemental might be useful to him as a mage. Use the elly to distract the ninjas and receive less damage that way.
A few seconds after I left, I heard Gildor's death cry and got the message that he'd been jumped by several at once. I msg'd back but he was no longer in the world!! I trotted Darlin around the snowy wastes searching for Gildor's body but never could find it.
I think the snow ninjas took his body for some unmentionable purposes! Everyone should search the snowfight area when they get a chance. Watch out for those pesky ninjas but we cannot let one of our own be subverted to icy evil.
By the way, Chuck doesn't mind getting a snowball in the face at all!