Thank you, Seers for the Grim Reapers in Trinsic last night!
I went to Trinsic for a guard quest, and when I returned a little while later with the head, I couldn't find the guard. But I did find plenty of nasty grim reapers there....or rather, they found me! I said a few choice words in surprise, and hollered into the next room for Loakie to get his butt over to Trinsic and bring lots of people with him.
Several people showed up, and I'm not going to try to name them all for fear of forgetting someone. I and my dragon died twice before everyone was there and assembled. Another person died then too. I stabled the dragon as everyone else was getting there.
The group there worked very well together. Thank you to the healers who saved my skin more than once!! Only one person died after we actually got started, but that was by no fault of his own; he was bait...err...a tank and just got beat up too much. Everyone stayed together until we thought we had them all. Then a few people went another direction, but I called them back when we ran into several more grim reapers near the stables. I think everyone had fun, and I didn't see any bickering or even anyone really telling anyone else what to do.
Thank you everyone! I had a great time!