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New note from he Shaboolie....

Mon May 05, 2003 4:40 pm
by Sethlenara
"Silly race of humans think they stand a chance against the Shabooli's and Branubians....wait til they see what we ahve in store for them"
This note was found near Deceit and it was a huge gathering of the shaboolies and branubians. Must have been 100 or so, I kid you not...I also saw a Branubian sorcerer...

Mon May 05, 2003 6:06 pm
by Leia Ranar
Thank you for coming to my rescue. I really appreciate those that came to help and all those that offered to come. I seemed to have walked into a very large mess.

Mon May 05, 2003 6:53 pm
by Dracovich
I seemed to have walked into a very large mess.
Well you weren't the only one. I ran into them on my way up to clear out the dungeon. I killed one of them before I had to run like a scared little newbie.
By the time I got some help from the Britain bank, thanks anyways Gemini, your helpers had already cleared them out.
Which was good though, because we would not have been able to handle that many by ourselves.

Mon May 05, 2003 8:49 pm
by Greywolfe
I too recently found a note. Juliana Kendamos and I were out hunting and ran across a few bands of Shaboolis and Branubians. Were realized that they were staging at the entrances to the various dungeons so were traveled around the lands confronting the hordes. Durring our battles I found two interesting artifacts. The first was a Branubian Cloak, though it had no magic powers I assume that it may prove significant. The second item we found was a note, which reads....
The People of Britannia must not get to the intruder before we do..... capture him quick!!
We were unable to locate this intruder but obviously he holds some significance. I would assume that he must be held up in one of the dungeons. That would be the only logical explanation for why they are staging at the entrances. We must all be on the lookout for this stranger.
One other thought I had was that perhaps with the aid of this cloak we may send a spy undercover as a Branubian to their army in hopes of acquiring more information.

Mon May 05, 2003 9:00 pm
by Keelarr Ranar
Send Gramps in, he'll have em drunk and passed out before they know what happened. And besides, he hasn't bathed in a day or so, they will think he smells like they do.

Tue May 06, 2003 7:10 am
by Plasia
*James writes*
Dolen volunteers to spy
*Dolen sighs*

Thu May 08, 2003 2:00 am
by Strade Silverbow
From what I have seen there are a couple more branubian pieces that have been acquired, a warfork and boots if I remeber correctly