by Eldric on Mon Sep 15, 2003 12:52 pm
I'm not sure if there's any interest in something like this or not, but here goes.
You all have heard of those trust training exercises right? where you fall backward and make no effort save yourself trusting that the person behind you will catch you, well this would hopefully be the WoD equivalent of that. Also it would be something of an exercise in teamwork, as mages will die quick if mob's are left on them and tanks will probably need a good bit of healing as well.
Now, being as most people can pretty much solo everywhere, this is going to take a large number of restrictions to pull off, so ....
* Player crafted equipment only - armour and/or jewelry are fine and no Benson potioned items don't count as player crafted
* Just for completeness, no magic clothing, weapons or skill buffs
* No spell buffs yes this means AR 17 mages and AR 30 (more with shield) tanks
* I'd like to say no mounts, but that would result in 0 participants so we will pass on that*
* No pets/summons - they would take away on the need to rely on other players to keep you alive
* No barding mobs - there isn't any reason to need to trust people if all the mobs are killing each other
So, anyone intreted in attending something like this? Please post a reply if you are, and if we get say 6 or more, we can give it a try.
Oh, and I'm not thinking like Wind or anything like that, probably something along the lines of trolls to start see how that goes.
Assuming there is some interest, I'm thinking Saturday the 20th around 3 EST.