a find corpse command

For questions relating to POL scripting (not necessarily related to WoD)

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a find corpse command

Postby Jace on Thu Mar 18, 2004 12:56 pm

I noticed on wod its pretty kewl that when you die everyone knows and you get a bunch of messages from nice players to help you rez and get your stuff back. Then i thought it would be nice if you didnt have to explain where you were at and guide someone to your body. I created this script to have someone just go to your body. What does everyone think?

(what it does) basicly after a character dies, you type .findcorpse <name>
it then creates a skull in the backpack that has the cooridinates of player when the skull is double clicked it moves you to there body and deletes the skull.

First i created an item in the itemdesc.cfg file
I used the skull and called it the skull_of_finding but it could be whatever graphic you wanted.
Item 0xBBCD
Name skull_of_finding
Desc Skull of Finding
Graphic 0x1ae2
Script find_dead

Then i created the . command in the scripts textcommands for players

// This is .findcorpse a player command to find a
// characters location of death type .findcorpse <name> to use

use uo;

include "include/client";


Program findcorpse (who, tofind)

// Lets see if the person is online who needs to be
// found
var jplayer := FindOnlinePlayerByName (who, tofind);

if (!jplayer)
if (!GetObjProperty (who, "nomsgerrors") )
SendSysMessage (who, "That player is either not online or is in private mode.",FONT_NORMAL, 48);

tofind := jplayer;

//Make sure that the player that died did not use
//the command
if ( who == tofind)
SendSysMessage(who, "Do you really need to find yourself? Really?",FONT_NORMAL, 48);

// This erases any previous corpse data on player
//typing the command
// this maintains clean up as people use findcorpse

EraseObjProperty( who, "x_corpse" );
EraseObjProperty( who, "y_corpse" );
EraseObjProperty( who, "z_corpse" );

// This gets the player's last corpse location
var x,y,z;

x := GetObjProperty( tofind, "x_corpse" );
y := GetObjProperty( tofind, "y_corpse" );
z := GetObjProperty( tofind, "z_corpse" );

// If player's corpse location non existant report
// error to user
if( (x == error) or (y == error) or (z == error) )
SendSysMessage( who, " You could not find " + tofind.name + "'s corpse!", FONT_NORMAL, 48 );
return; //exits the script

// write the results for ghost location on player
// that is to help
SetObjProperty( who, "x_corpse_find", x );
SetObjProperty( who, "y_corpse_find", y );
SetObjProperty( who, "z_corpse_find", z );

// Now check backpack for a previous skull if no
// skull create one
var jfoundskull := 0;
var jtemp := FindObjtypeInContainer( who.backpack,UOBJ_SKULLOFFIND);
if ( Cstr(jtemp.desc) == "a Skull of Finding")
jfoundskull := 1;

// Note jtemp with 0 means no skull and 1 means a skull in backpack

// Now lets create an item in the backpack that will recall to dead person's corpse
// if no skull already exists

if ( jfoundskull == 0 )
CreateItemInContainer( who.backpack,UOBJ_SKULLOFFIND , amount := 1 );


// I borrowed this function from the wod scripts

// Tries to find the best match of an online
// character based on the provided name

function FindOnlinePlayerByName (character, name)
//Try to find an exact match first
foreach onlinechr in EnumerateOnlineCharacters()
if (lower (onlinechr.name) == name)
if (!GetObjProperty (onlinechr, "private"))
return onlinechr;
elseif (character.cmdlevel)
return onlinechr;

//Then try to find someone who's name is at least close
foreach onlinechr in EnumerateOnlineCharacters()
var thename := lower (onlinechr.name);
if (thename[name])
if (!GetObjProperty (onlinechr, "private"))
return onlinechr;
elseif (character.cmdlevel)
return onlinechr;
return 0;


Now in the items directory i created the file to run
after the skull of finding is created.
i named this find_dead.src
use uo;

program find_dead( player, skull ) //remember this is a usescript, and
//these are the parameters passed
//to the script by POL
var x,y,z;

x := GetObjProperty( player, "x_corpse_find" );
y := GetObjProperty( player, "y_corpse_find" );
z := GetObjProperty( player, "z_corpse_find" );

if( (x == error) or (y == error) or (z == error) )
SendSysMessage( player, "The skull has lost it's magical abilities!" );
// destroy the skull used
EraseObjProperty( player, "x_corpse_find" );
EraseObjProperty( player, "y_corpse_find" );
EraseObjProperty( player, "z_corpse_find" );
DestroyItem( skull );

return; //exits the script

MoveCharacterToLocation( player, x, y, z );

EraseObjProperty( player, "x_corpse_find" );
EraseObjProperty( player, "y_corpse_find" );
EraseObjProperty( player, "z_corpse_find" );

DestroyItem( skull );
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Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:12 pm

Oh yea 1 more thing

Postby Jace on Thu Mar 18, 2004 1:02 pm

in the chrdeath script i added these lines
SetObjProperty( ghost, "x_corpse", corpse.x );
SetObjProperty( ghost, "y_corpse", corpse.y );
SetObjProperty( ghost, "z_corpse", corpse.z )


this creates the x y z coordinates when the character dies...

( i got the idea from doing the example in pol for the ring of return )
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:12 pm

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