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Locked Chests off Mobs

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:41 pm
by Herakles
Ok, quick question concerning locked chests that are looted off mobs.
If I looted a locked chest off a mob and put it on my vendor to sell still locked and its contents still in it, do the items in the chest depreciate in time?
Same thing with treasure maps. Do they depreciate in time if they are on a vendor for sale?

Thanks in advance for your answers

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:32 pm
by Kasia/Ki'Anna
Yes and yes.Placing on a vendor doesn't stop the decay timer on either.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:10 pm
by Herakles
Good to see you again. And thanks, not that I've been doing much of stocking my vendor lately since rl stuff has me all tied up. I have always wondered the answer to that question though.
I saw the post on the quest forum about someone not being able to open a chest from a guard quest and it reminded me of how I used to stock my vendor and always hoping that I didnt rip people off if they decayed in time.
Thanks again and hope to see you ingame soon.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:38 pm
by Kasia/Ki'Anna
Hiya Herk!! It's good to see you again.I sign into game once in awhile when I get the chance.As with you r/l has kept me extremely busy the last few weeks and with school starting in 2 weeks it's about to get busier lol.

If you get a chance to sign in pm and let me know what time and maybe we can meet up and go on a hunt. :)