Thanks for all. Now it works normal, but I'd like to usk you some questions about GM'ing and admining:
1. First of all is there a menu to create an npc-merchant or you put them by a "createnpc" command?
2. Guards continued to kill npcs, that were created by "createnpc" command . But he did't kill those who were spawned by spawnpoint...
3. Do only "the wandering healers" ressurect PC's on your shard? Or you have an analog of ressurection portal? I am asking about this because of my own interest... I have created res portals since POl092.
4. The question about stablemaster... Why doesn't he sells creatures? May be he is doing another things? He also didn't want to train PC's.
5. Another question, who can I become a druid or necro? And where can i find different druid, necro things, or this are special awards?
6. The magic oil is given through what points? For killing monsters?
7. Don't you think that skills are increasing very slow? For example if that is not a trade skill it increases very slow. And if that is not a primary or seconadary.
8. How can I create a firebow? And firearrows in game? Does woodworking skill answer for that?
Thank you...
P.S: I liked the way you are scripting, it differs from many other scripts, and that is very good that you comments everything...