Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket
Liselle wrote:*sigh*
anyway. yes. i want to see more of your artwork.
unless you were only going to show me if i left Daeron for you.
this isnt fair. why does eveyrone want me to leave Daeron i love him.
Liselle wrote:*smiles* i know. i love roleplay thats all. and i get into it very deeply.
Liselle wrote:I have a 'sister' that is very lonely though bayn. you might like her. she is even more shy than i am *blushes* if that is possible. if you would like i will tell her to keep her eye open for you so you can say hi to her?
her name is Taiba Skyfire
Bayn wrote:I love rollin' and playin' too! Seriously, you'd have a lot more fun if you dumped Daeron but I wouldn't want you to do it for me cause, as I said, I am a confirmed batchelor. However, the other day I overheard ShadowStone saying sweet stuff about you. Now ShadowStone is the marryin' type, ye'sm. He's good lookin' too, and a young guy. He also wields a mighty silver spear!
Liselle wrote:bah. dont tell me you like me too herk?
i dont know how much i can stand. is EVEYRONE gonna like me?
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