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Gold Ingot mess up

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:35 am
by Algodon
Is there a GM or somebody reading this?

I messed up big. I smelted 36,000 gold coins into 360 gold ingots. now I remember reading in the manual it said (Don't worry if you want the gold coins back, you can just sell the gold ingots to a vendor and receive all your gold coins back). Now here is my problem, I had those 360 useless ingots, and I wanted the gold coins back, so I went and sold them to a vendor, she said "here is your 132 gold coins! WHA!! 132 gold coins for my 360 gold ingots?
I got robbed.. where is my 36,000 gold coins at?

I know, some of you will be saying, "Well 36,000 gold is not that much" well it's a whole lot to somebody that has nothing! (like me)

Oh, also. I paged a GM about it, then I waited for an hour with no responce, I ended up just logging off.

Can one of you nice GM's please give me my 36,000 gold back, (actually 35,868 since I got 132 gold back from selling my life savings).



Re: Gold Ingot mess up

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:51 am
by Bayn
Algodon wrote:Is there a GM or somebody reading this?

GMs regularly read the forums.

I messed up big. I smelted 36,000 gold coins into 360 gold ingots.

Nice, saves a LOT of space and hassles as well as reducing item count.

132 gold coins for my 360 gold ingots?
I got robbed.. where is my 36,000 gold coins at?

Sounds as if this might be related to the stacked items bug that Wolfie brought up.


Now, now, no used crying over spilt gold. That's a tough call for admins unless they can track down in the logs that you actually had 360 gold ingots. Good luck! Let us know how it turns out and if you can't get it back, perhaps we can help you out!

Re: Gold Ingot mess up

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:12 am
by Wolfie
Bayn wrote:Sounds as if this might be related to the stacked items bug that Wolfie brought up.

Yep, I posted after Algodon mentioned to me ingame what happened to him.

Re: Gold Ingot mess up

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:14 am
by Bayn
Wolfie wrote:
Bayn wrote:Sounds as if this might be related to the stacked items bug that Wolfie brought up.

Yep, I posted after Algodon mentioned to me ingame what happened to him. that case, YOU give him the extra cash

muuuuUAUAAHAHahhaahhahhAaHHAhaaaaa...cough cough...ahem, evil laughing is hell on the throat. I don't see how Marius can do that consistently.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:12 am
by Kronos Leir
Umm I know what happend you dont sell them the ingots you drop them on the vendor. I did the same thing with about 45k's worth of gold ingots my self.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:24 am
by Bayn
Jon Leir wrote:Umm I know what happend you dont sell them the ingots you drop them on the vendor. I did the same thing with about 45k's worth of gold ingots my self.

Bummer, the Manual implies you can sell them back.

"Just sell a gold ingot to a vendor and get coins back. "

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:31 pm
by Kronos Leir
Ya, but you have to drop it on them. Maybe the manual could be fixed sometime. :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:02 pm
by Atei
I've used "sell all" and targeted the ingots without a hitch, or used "sell" and made sure the ingots were in my top-level pack.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:22 pm
by dione
When I sold my house I was paid in ingots, and I went and sold them to an npc. Now a friend of mine quit wod recently :cry: :cry: and gave me most of his belongings. Some of that was gold and gold ingots, and when I went to sell the ingots nobody would buy them. So I have 422 ingots I cant do anything with. :cry: :cry:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:23 pm
by Bayn
dione wrote:When I sold my house I was paid in ingots, and I went and sold them to an npc. Now a friend of mine quit wod recently :cry: :cry: and gave me most of his belongings. Some of that was gold and gold ingots, and when I went to sell the ingots nobody would buy them. So I have 422 ingots I cant do anything with. :cry: :cry:

Ahhh, curiosities. I'll take 'em off your hands, Dione. No need in cluttering up your bank box.
