by Drocket on Tue Aug 26, 2003 1:59 am
There's a couple of ways that you can do it. One of them is is to have multiple lines in your login.cfg file, and comment out the ones you don't want by putting a ";" at the beginning of the unused lines (so that only the 'right' server that you want to log into is uncommented.) I've just found it a bit easier to delete and add ";"'s instead of swapping files, though your opinion of it may vary...
Another option is to create a seperate client for your local server that reads a different login.cfg file (which is what the wodclient.exe's do - they use wodli.cfg.) To do this, you'll need a text editor capable of doing hexediting. As always, I recommend EditPad Pro, but you can use whatever you want. Whatever editor you use, make a copy of your client file (whatever one you're using) and open it in your text editor in hexidecimal mode (which will look something like the screenshot on <a href="">this page</a>.) Do a search for "login.cfg" and replace it with the new file that you want that client to use - the replacement file MUST be the exact same number of letters. locli.cfg (short for local login) will work, but localli.cfg will cause hellfire and destruction to shoot from every orifice of your computer. UO will probably crash, too.
Then just use your new client to log in.