I suppose that ultimately the whole controversy over the AFK macroing thing comes down to whether you can call getting kicked offline a 'punishment'. I've never really thought of it as such: you lose absolutely nothing. You simply don't have the gold (sand/ore/whatever) that you didn't have in the first place. And there's a thousand things that could have happened anyway to have stopped you from getting it: 'natural' disconnections, server resets, server crashes, client crashes, etc.
If AFK macroing were going to be really and truly against the rules, things get more difficult. First off, we'd actually have to start <i>looking</i> for macroers instead of just maybe noticing one every once in a while. How do we deal with a macroer when we catch them then? If they're violating and official rule, then it seems like there should be a bit more to it than losing connection. Ok, the first few times we give them warnings, but should be fine, jail, or even ban 'habitual' macroers?