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Grand Opening of the Muse's Tavern

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:13 am
by Chelsea Duklain
Grand Opening Festivities
for the Muse's Tavern in Jhelom
(Coordinates 1397 3772 )

I've decided that the official opening of a tavern should be a fun and joyous event. Please join me in opening the Muse's Tavern located in Jhelom on the 20th of September. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend! There will contest events and food and beverages will be provided. Festivites will get underway at 8:00 p.m. CST. There will be a Grab Chest with several numbered Grab Bags inside. The Grab Bags contain various items found in WoD.

(In simple terms, I will try to fill the grab bags with "wanted" items in WoD but let's get real, I'm not a millionaire. There will probably not be an indestructable cloak of magery :) Hopefully it's the proppect of the fun, not the prizes, that will get ya to come. *Wink*)

Banana Run
(Thanks to Sethlenara for telling me of this event)

Participants in the Banana Run will need to leave their weapons, armor, bandages and healing droughts in the tavern for this event. A chest will be provided with bags for each participant to put their items for safekeeping until their return. Robes will be provided to the participants by the host.

Participants in this event will start at the beginnig of the first level of Covetious and "run" all the way through. At the end of the first and second levels, there will be a person waiting to hand them a banana, rezz them if need be and heal them for the second level. They will then proceed to the second level where they will run through the second level in the same fashion. After collecting their bananas they will turn around and return to the entrance of Covetious.

The first person to return will be offered first choice from the Grab Chest and win the glorious title of "Banana Run Champion!". All those who return with both bananas will also be offered a chance to choose a Grab Bag from the Grab Chest.

If you wish to participate in this event, please let me know by dropping a book in the chest at the Muse's Tavern in Jhelom by telling me your name and putting Banana Run in the title.

A barrel of books has been placed beside the drop box for your convenience.

Scavenger Hunt
(Time limit 2 hours)

This event will consist of a group from two to no more than five. This event will be based on the honor system. No chaperones will be provided to follow each group to ensure that they actually "find" the hunt items. One team MAY NOT attack another team or use any type of foul play to acquire hunt items. Play fair. It's all in good fun.

The designated leader of the group will be given a bag for physical items and a book to record all information required. The bag and book must be returned to the host for verification of items. The book will also contain the list of clues for each item/information needed.

Participants will be given an alloted amount of time to return with the items/information. Team strategy is up to the team. You may choose to stick together or split up. Either is acceptable. The team that gets the most items or returns first with all items/information will be awarded a chance for each member to pick a Grab Bag from the Grab Chest. All team members must be present when turning in the information and items to the host.

If you wish to participate in this event please write down all the names of your team's captain, your team's members, your team's chosen name and title the book Scavenger Hunt on a book and drop it into the chest outside the Muse's Tavern in Jhelom or personally hand it to me before Sept. 19th.

Anyone who shows up at the last minute is more than welcome to participate. We'll make sure everyone who wants to play gets the opportunity. It's all about fun, folks! :D

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.

Your Witty Hostess

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 11:42 pm
by Chelsea Duklain
Update! Due to certain circumstances, the Grand Opening Festivities will take place on Sunday, September 21st starting at 7 p.m. CST.

Hope this isn't an inconvenience to anyone. :D

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 3:08 am
by Diedra
Wow, this is sounding really really exciting. too bad I'll be missing it since i have to work on sunday

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 3:21 am
by Adonis
Hail Diedra
Saw your from Indpls, My hometown is Martinsville
just 35 miles south on 67 or 37 from there.
I live in GA now but have family still there.
Just got back from there on vacaction had a great
week there seeing old friends and all.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 3:47 am
by Bayn
Adonis wrote:Hail Diedra
Saw your from Indpls, My hometown is Martinsville
just 35 miles south on 67 or 37 from there.
I live in GA now but have family still there.
Just got back from there on vacaction had a great
week there seeing old friends and all.

Great jumpin' horny toads, Adonis. I live in Bloomington which is just a hop, skip and a jump south from Martinsville, about 15 miles or so, right?

I know Ciera is close, if not in state (about 5 hours away from me), but how many other Midwesterners do we have?


PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 4:05 am
by Adonis
Hail Bayn
HAHA really was just there last week darn *kicks
the desk*. I was rased there and know your area
well worked out in track at Bloomington for state
races. WOW *waves* Next time I am in area
let you know and we can have lunch my teate.
:D 19 miles really but who's counting haha
back in the day made that run in 14 mins.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 1:33 pm
by Bayn
14 minutes, wow, I'm impressed. There is a long BIG hill to climb between the two places.

Yeah, gimme a shout if you are planning on coming back for a visit and we'll bash a few trolls and gank an ancient dragon or two!


PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:06 pm
by Aran Dragonblood
Hail! Chelsea are you going to make a list of all that are wanting to praticipate before the event? Just a thought. :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 11:45 pm
by Chelsea Duklain
I was going to but due to lack of interest this event is canceled. The quests provided by the shard have been more than enough to keep us all on our toes lately. :D

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 2:57 am
by Bayn
Chelsea Duklain wrote:I was going to but due to lack of interest this event is canceled. The quests provided by the shard have been more than enough to keep us all on our toes lately. :D

So, no banana run or scavenger hunt? Image

Well, we can all sit back, talk, guzzle ale and pinch the, umm, ethereal rats!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 3:14 am
by Adonis
Hail Bayn
*smiles* not into pinching really, yet a nice
pat now and again wellllllllll.
Then again poor Chelsea being the only lady there
she just might hit back.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 2:10 am
by Bayn
Chelsea Duklain wrote:Update! Due to certain circumstances, the Grand Opening Festivities will take place on Sunday, September 21st starting at 7 p.m. CST.

Hope this isn't an inconvenience to anyone. :D

Aha!! That is why there wasn't anyone there. I must have seen this before but forgot. Ok, tomorrow will be the party!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 8:21 am
by Adonis
Food drinks games woman hmmmmmmm now this sound good.
*looks around*

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 8:25 am
by Adonis
Hail Bayn
That 14 mins was in a nice 57 chey that I spent
many hours working on. loved that car, but then
again I love cars.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 2:36 am
by Bayn
So, how was it?

I couldn't make it tonight. I am REALLY upset with my ISP...lost connect earlier today as I was on the way to a rescue mission and just now got back, after hours and hours. grrr. Whatever happened to 24 hour service or load indicator monitors? I may drop the dsl entirely and go with someone else with a simple dial-up.