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I remember a "special" dungeon from way back when.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:28 pm
by Atei
(It might have been called Frustration...)

I had not been part of this wonderful World of Dreams for too long when word spread of a new, special dungeon that was only open for a limited time. The entrance was in the old Brit Bank building.

I seem to recall that Antimony, Uthr Rhain and a very wet behind the ears Pau were planning on doing this dungeon together. When you entered, you had a choice of a couple of different directions to go via portals. However Drocket, being the sneaky guy he is, set it up so the portals didn't always go to the same place. So when Pau went one way and got to face off against a big, bad meanie (that might have been my first introduction to a Titan), Anti and Uthr went someplace completely different. We died and we died and we died, but it was SO much fun.

Drocket, any chance of a return engagement for Frustration?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 2:04 am
by Laephis
That quest was actually run by a seer who is no longer here, not by Drocket. Maybe another seer will find a clever way to frustrate you? :twisted: