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New release... Again

Sun Aug 17, 2003 9:56 pm
by htfy
Drocket I heard that you did a lot of script fixes since the 30'th release. Can please you tell us exatly what you fixed, or do a new repacked release?
Thanks man.

Mon Aug 18, 2003 5:10 am
by Drocket
You can find a list of all the (meaningful) changes that I make on the changes page (the link is at the top of the page, right under the big "The World of Dreams" name.) I don't believe that I've made any major, world-shattering changes since the last script release that would make it important to do another release ASAP, and I'd like to wait a couple of days to get some more feedback on some changes that I did make (elementals in specific.) So maybe this weekend...
Oh yeah...

Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:15 am
by htfy
Heh thanks for the info and the link...
This weekend sounds good enough, and take your time.
If you can’t make it this weekend, just give us an update. I’m running the current 95 scripts and saw a bit of problems from my users, but I don't know if its because of your scripts or my, so I’ll wait until your next release and just do a clean test server.

Tue Aug 19, 2003 3:57 am
by Lyl
might want to straighten combat out before a release eh?

Tue Aug 19, 2003 4:16 am
by Grae
Lyl wrote:might want to straighten combat out before a release eh?
Yes, yes.
My Swordsmen at 100% are getting out done by Archers at 60%.
For example. My Character:- 100% - Swords, 100% - Tactics, 100% - Parry, 80% - Anatomy, 80% - Magic Resist, 80% - Healing & 60% - Archery.
Str - 91, Dex - 84, Int - 47.
Now with a character with the above stats I melee (100% Swords) an Orc Captain using Exceptional Longsword - Result: Little to NO Damage per hit.
Now using the same character as above I use Archery (60% Archery) against an Orc Captain using an exceptional Bow - Result: Minor to Moderate Damage per hit.
Does'nt seem quite right. Everyone is starting to turn to the Bow rather than Melee weapons.
I have to agree with Lyl.
Peace Out.

Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:38 am
by Drocket
Lyl wrote:might want to straighten combat out before a release eh?
Um, do you just mean that warriors aren't that great of warriors, or that there's something actually broken?
Grae wrote:Now with a character with the above stats I melee (100% Swords) an Orc Captain using Exceptional Longsword - Result: Little to NO Damage per hit.
Using 1 handed swords is considered to mostly be a 'defensive' sort of position. You don't do much damage, but you take a lot less damage because of the shield. If you want damage, use a 2 handed weapon. Its a give-and-take sort of thing.

Tue Aug 19, 2003 8:28 am
by Lyl
I am talking about at least 2 bugs.
One the sounds. All types of beasts are making the dagger sound when they hit.
Two henchies doing no damage. I rigorously tested this. If I fight an Orc Dragon Defender with a one hander I do some damage each hit. With a two hander I do quite a bit of damage with each hit.
When my two of my henchies are both using either 1 or 2 handers against an ODD the damage each of their hits make is imperceptably small for the majority of hits.
Henchies actually do damage when they are using bows though. Perhaps because archery is using a different hitscript?

Tue Aug 19, 2003 8:36 am
by Grae
Lyl wrote:Perhaps because archery is using a different hitscript?
I get the following on server boot up.
Warning! POL/pkg/combat/mainhit.ecl does not exist!
Could this be part of my problem? When I searched for mainhit.ecl, I found it in the following directory POL/pkg/combat/weapons/mainhit.ecl
Peace Out.

Tue Aug 19, 2003 8:39 pm
by Drocket
I've gotten that error message about "POL/pkg/combat/mainhit.ecl does not exist!" I'm not really sure what the cause of it is: that script isn't SUPPOSED to exist. There must be a reference to it somewhere, in some script, but I haven't been able to track it down yet. I haven't seen any problems with it, so I think its mostly safe to just ignore it.
Lyl wrote:One the sounds. All types of beasts are making the dagger sound when they hit.
Oh, yes. I keep meaning to fix this, but every time I remember, its when I'm about to go to bed or something, so I tell myself I'll fix it the next day. Then I forget again

Lyl wrote:Two henchies doing no damage.
Hmm, thought this one was fixed... Ok, I'll take (another) look at it.
So the warrior thing is not a bug?

Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:04 pm
by htfy
I had a few of my users tell me that their warriors are pretty bad since the last upgrade. I thought its something I did, so I modded the weapon dmg file and fixed it, but that was just quick fix. Also sometimes henchies do not do any dmg, but that’s just sometimes and mostly if you have 2. Never had it happen if the user just had one.
Monsters don’t make a dagger sound when they hit for me, but I am using a lot of scripts from the yahoo group.
Another problem I have is that sometimes pets go loose and just start attacking their masters. And I tested this myself. I tamed a drake and sent him to attack a few orcs. (Yes I did feed him).
In about 10 min he went loose and attacked me. Since you guys don't have this problem, its probably something with the new tame scripts I got.
Yet another problem I have is that some of the new ore I added spawns in places that I did not tell it to spawn. Once again, that just happens on my shard, so I think I didn’t install the BS update correctly.
Another one I’m having is that sometimes when my players equip items it gives them a msg that they are already holding something, so they need to relog to fix it. That one once again looks to be a problem with just my shard though…
So Drcoket, take your time, since I am waaay over my head here.
More bugs

Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:48 am
by htfy
After a lot of testing these are the bugs I have in the normal clean install of the WOD scripts. (Separate test shard on a different server then my standard one.)
Everyone (monsters) makes the same sound when they hit.
Warriors do a lot less dmg then mages and archers.
Henchmen are pretty useless.
Tamed pets vanish. (Sometimes)
Somehow one of my players became stuck as a ghost... This involved a death vortex. He got resurrected as a ghost. I do not know what or how he did it. One of the seers had to change his graphic prop. I’m trying to recreate it right now...
Drocket do you have fixes for any of those or are they specific to my shard?
Once again, no hurries and good luck.
Re: More bugs

Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:40 am
by Drocket
htfy wrote:Everyone (monsters) makes the same sound when they hit.
Henchmen are pretty useless.
I've fixed these ones
Warriors do a lot less dmg then mages and archers.
This one is more of a balance issue than a bug

Tamed pets vanish. (Sometimes)
If you're logging out around the britain bank (on WoD, its the big building up toward the cemetary), the pet gets teleported to an inn (to avoid crowding.) If that's not it, then I'm not sure what you mean.
Somehow one of my players became stuck as a ghost...
I've seen this one a couple of time,s but haven't tracked it down. It seems like a pretty irregular bug, and that type are always hard to track down...

Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:57 am
by Drocket
Ok, new version of the files available now


Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:47 pm
by htfy
Great I will install it right now. Im sure I'll have some more questions later.