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The end of BD5x2

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:09 am
by Homer
(Cross-posted on Quests, Fellowship Hall, and General Topics)

The Buc’s Den 5 x 2 adventure is completed. My sincere thanks to all Wodians who cooperated, giving the boys room to die in peace over and over again. Thanks to the administration for creating a world where such things can be attempted, but also for making it so dadgummed HARD. Thanks as well to those who offered help when I died and for those who didn’t, just shaking their heads and saying “There he goes again.â€

A Newer Sign at Buc's Den Docks

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:16 am
by Homer
The previous sign has been covered over with stretched white snakeskin. The words are painted unevenly in Daemon’s blood, using a hollow-reed pen with a giant serpent fang point.

This island is now under the management control (for the moment, anyway) of the Buc’s Den Five Development Company (relocated back to Fellowship Hall)
All other visitors welcome.
Enquire Britain Bank Real Estate for timeshare availability.