Spanish Lessons

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Spanish Lessons

Postby Manuel Hernandez on Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:27 pm

I´d do a book with some traductino to spanish, for help some peaploe if they want speak spanish, im not a very good english speaker, but... i can understand many, anyway, if some peaploe want learnd some spanish like this:

Hi: hola
Bye: adios
House: Casa
Blue: azul
is: es
are: es ( its for many or adjetive )
I: yo
Have: tener, tengo, or e estado
one: uno, una


yo tengo una casa azul
i have one (house blue)
(thats 2 words are say in other order, first the think, and later the color... in spanish... but in english is in other order like this: I have one blue house, isnt it? )

well, if any want some Spanish Lessons, only contact me or send me a mail in my house, is close to northwest tower, of the queen castle, is a wodden and straw house, have some flower out, and have a mail box with ore color.

well, See ya

:!: Note: some peaploe of the WoD dont like Hispano peaploe... really i dont know why? i didnt speak bad of they, if one of those peaploe dont like this post... dont try to ofend me, ok?
Manuel Hernandez
Jr. Newbie
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:08 pm

Postby Kale Greeneye on Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:57 pm

Always a good thing to see someone taking an interest in making WoD an even more close-knit friendly place. :)

This is a great idea Manuel :)
Kale Greeneye
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Postby Ehran on Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:08 am

You've been around for a while Manuel so why would you think Hispanics aren't liked? One of the things i enjoy about wod is logging in late at night and chatting with someone from across the big waters. new perspectives can be fun.
Gracias for the spanish lesson by the way.
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Postby Manuel Hernandez on Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:32 pm

Your Welcome Ehran, But i didnt say if all of the peaploe in WoD hate Hispoamer, its beacause 1 of my hispano friends, say me he be agreded of a player... i think only one... only one... anyway, if want more spanish lesonds, only say me... (in WoD ) for organize a lessond in "The Taunt", ok?
Manuel Hernandez
Jr. Newbie
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:08 pm

Postby Herakles on Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:43 pm

You've always been liked by myself and anyone that I know. If someone in WoD dont like you or hispanics, then its their loss and they are very shallow people. They have no reason being here then.
By the way, I wont be looking for spanish lessons anytime soon. I have a hard enough time speaking my language lol
Take Care my Friend :)

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Joined: Sat Feb 01, 2003 7:46 pm
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