My whirl wind tour of the land started in Trinsic and took me along the coast line south. I went all the way around the continent ending in vesper. Upon entering Vesper i proceded to sell off my 2 bags full of items kindly donated to me from the foes in exchange for their lives. Out of the corner of my eye i see a red name pop up! VAMPIRE MAGE here? IN the town of vesper? The guard springs into action, fighting braverly only to be cut down with little effort by the vamp mage. I lean over to tell my trusty steed Spot "I am sick and tired of running from Vampires Spot, it ends here." I tighten down the helmet, pull out my Silver long sword, and spur Spot ahead.
Slash - slash - corp por - run run run - heal - Now thats a fire! - Slash - Slash - Rinse repeat
After awhile of game play I had rid Vesper AND the graveyard of the vampires.... all except, that very hurty and very mean Vamp Lieutenant. All this with out 1 death(And trust me, thats a feat). Vesper is infested with vampires now. There are Mages spawning right near the healer, assassins near the bridges, and the regular guys all over. The guards just get pumeled, its rather funny to watch. So if any of the newer players are out there, be very very careful in Vesper. As for me, i getting BUFF ~flexes~
Rydalia the Vampire Slayer