Please note some of these are question-oriented, which means they're not posed as ideas for the taking at hand, but rather to get more discussion about them.
- Lance : This is really just a flavour item. It'd be nice to have a Spear that was one handed, so it could be used in conjuction with a shield on horseback. It wouldn't do as much damage as a spear (just the same as a longsword, say) and wouldn't have any other modifiers. But like I said, it's just a flavour item.
- Temple of Fire: It's about time Necromancers had a Special Place. The Druids have the Druids Grove (and while I doubt they use it anymore) the Necromancers have nothing. It'd be a nice place to be able to craft Lich staves, and maybe write Necromancy scrolls, with special resources much like the Druid runes.
- Thrones: Thrones are only placeable in two directions. It'd be nice if they could be put in all four.
- Lockdowns: 1 lockdown per every 1000gp of the house seems reasonable to me. Except when you go to the top of the market towards the 800k Castles and whatnot. This is not so much a suggestion as a question: How could lockdowns be improved and implemented? (pretending that it might be implemented one day)
- Placeable walls: We have placeable fences for outside houses, but I'd like to put a few walls inside my tower. Same rules: 5k per tile, costs a lockdown. Don't know if there's any valid sprite.. thingies for walls to be used.
- A Library: Well, this is no small issue, but I'm building it up into something big. This is more another question: Is it worth the effort? Should WoD have a community building? (apart from the magnificent Fellowship Hall).
- Spell Pooling: Mages (or anyone) can 'donate' all their mana to a target, which would be an effect I guess sort of like a reverse Mana Vampire.
- Words of Power: Mages, equipped with a mage staff in hand, can cast spells by typing the words of power. (maybe this is already implemented?)
- Familiars' Names: Familars are not named after their casters. I know they are because of some scripting issue, but maybe if a permanent "incognito" spell could be applied on them, it would at least make them have random names, which would be cool.
This is all I can think of so far. Like I said before, feel free to take them and expand or grow or make them better. They're just niggly little concepts I came up with while running around WoD.