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Experimental Journal Bd5x2- Introduction

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 10:29 am
by Homer
Experimental Journal
Study # BD5x2


The purpose of this study is to validate the conclusions of the author’s previous work, “Desperation is a Mother,â€

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 4:39 am
by Atei
I can't wait to hear how this one turns out. :D

OOC Post on BD5x2

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 6:42 am
by Homer
I know there is some curiosity out there about what is going on and I wish I had time to "post as I go" as I did with the last adventure. I am not doing that, though, because of the difference in my home vs mobile computing capability. At home, I have my dsl and best hardware. During the weekend, I can play whatever hours I choose and select when I want to break for rest. As a result, I am going to "play through" the in-game adventure as far as I can during the weekend, taking detailed notes. Then I will write the story up and roll it out in sequence next week (whether it is done or not).
I wasn't completely up to date on conditions in Buc's Den, so I am going to have to make some decisions about what to accept as victory conditions. Unlike last time, it appears there are no npc vendors at all (healers but no vendors) on Buc's Den anymore. That means nothing can be bought or sold (such as tools) and no training can be repurchased. Those two things make the situation much more difficult, but not impossible if there is any possibility of finding tools as loot on bad guys (which appears to be the case). So at the tough end, I could say "tough luck, boys, the conditions of winning are getting the ability to get off the island by magic." On the other hand, the Captain is there on the pier. I could give the boys credit for winning if they get enough cash for one of them to get off (500gp- too easy) or all of them (2500 gp- better). What does anyone else think?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 7:53 am
by Atei
I was wondering about that myself. Did they go without any gear (aka "naked")? Either way, getting off Buc's Den will be hard. I'm thinking the magical way will be tougher, but not impossible.

Buc's Den Gear

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 8:01 am
by Homer
They each went in with a robe and a dagger only. The magic users have their (standard magic) spellbooks, but no reagents. They are assumed to have a rune home (although I left the runebooks behind).