What is an inappropriate name?
An inappropriate name is a name that one of the GMs, Player Relations or the Lead Admin thinks is inappropriate. If you choose an inappropriate name, you'll be renamed to Bob, or Joe or Fred or Sue (or anything else the GM decides to name you).
In general:
Don't name yourself after a fictional character from any popular sci-fi or fantasy adventure novel, movie, or game.
Don't name yourself something kewl.
Don't name yourself something that makes you sound like the evil-dude from a bad D&D novel.
Don't name yourself after a comic book superhero or supervillain.
Don't name yourself something stupid.
Don't name yourself something that is funny the first time you see it, but then gets less funny each time you see it after that.
Please note: The "Do not give yourself an inappropriate name"-rule applies even if you see some other player's character with a name that you feel is inappropriate. If a GM has decided someone else's stupid name is permissable, this does not mean that you can name yourself something stupid.
Longshadow wrote:I swear I read this thread 3 years ago.
Ehran wrote:Given that gm's are volunteers spending their own precious free time on other people's entertainment you cannot really ask much more of them.
Marius the Black wrote:I refuse to accept that this allows for gross negligence. Even volunteers are accountable for their actions and performance. I also refuse to allow that we're supposed to accept whatever we get, just because it's free. I would hope that WoD would like to maintain a set of standards that made gaming fair and equitable for everyone.
We don't even get to vote in our admin.
If the "volunteers" are incapable of doing a job and doing it well, then perhaps that needs to be reviewed.
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