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New accounts

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 12:58 am
by fitzchivary
just wondering if there is an ingame command to add a new account

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:47 am
by Tru
.newaccount name password

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 3:02 am
by Grae
Tru wrote:try
.newaccount name password

Does'nt seem to work, with 095 WoD scripts. Is there a new command for adding new accounts.

Other Question while I'm at it...

As for the Player Corpse Decay...below. Rather than blank out certain lines 42 - 47(as shown below), could I adjust the number value. IE. 3 to a 1 & 5 to a 3. Would this work?

Player corpses wait until there are several players online before they will decay.
See pkg\items\contaiers\control_corpse.src
If you want to bypass this safety feature, play with lines 42 - 47. You might make it something like this:

Code: Select all
      if (len (all_players) < 3)
//         repeat
//            sleep (60);
//            all_players := EnumerateOnlineCharacters ();
//         until (len (all_players) > 3);
//      elseif (len (all_players) < 5)
         sleep (300);

Would this work...

if (len (all_players) < 3) Change to 1
sleep (60);
all_players := EnumerateOnlineCharacters ();
until (len (all_players) > 3); Change to 1
elseif (len (all_players) < 5) Change to 3
sleep (300);

Yet another question...

Regarding Kiddie Wisps, I read about them in your manual. I like the idea and am wondering if there is a script for it. If not how do I go about setting one up. As I have a couple of very young children (8 & 10) playing and think they would benefit from them greatly and make their game-play much more enjoyable.

As always, thanks in advance,
any and all advice/pointers are greatly appreciated.

Peace Out.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:33 am
by Drocket
There's no in-game command for adding accounts. Instead, do it through the pol webpage. You'd want to open up your webbrowser and go to (that assuming that you're on the same computer as POL. Otherwise, replace with the right IP address.) If that doesn't work, check pol.cfg to make sure that the webserver is enabled (WebServer=1) and that you're using the right port (WebServerPort=8080, can replace 8080 with whatever you want, just replace it in the link address above too.)

Oh, and that change to the corpse decay thing should work, too.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 6:06 am
by Grae
Thanks mate.

As usual totally appreciated.

Peace Out.