Treasure chests are now sometimes locked, and can even be trapped. Might want to bring along a locksmith...
Ugh... is this REALLY necessary? I had not seriously needed the use of a locksmith in years but now my high carto isn't quite enough to allow me to do chests. The big problem with treasure chests is that--unlike MIB chests--you cannot just pick them up, put them in your pack, and store them away (indefinitely) until some locksmith character comes around and is able to help you open them. If you fail to get a locksmith fast enough, say goodbye to your treasure chest (and it's not like I'm a mage to gate people to middle of Valour island to help me open that chest).
also, what if there are no locksmiths online when I have time to do treasure maps? It's not like I can keep putting it off until a locksmith finally logs in at the same time I'm online (maps only last a week and then they decay). It is very difficult to rely on other people on a regular basis for something you need to do so often. Besides I don't want to turn into a pest that's always bothering people for their locksmiths characters whenever I see them online
"Oh no . . . there's Joram again! I just know he's going to ask me to go get my lockpicker character *goes .private*"
Is there no other way? And no I don't want to create a lockpicker/cartographer character. I already had a locksmith character for a while and I thought it was a boring skill (boring enough to be a tradeskill).