Microsoft outdoes itself - Bloatware

Windows XP Service Pack 2 was recently delayed until next month. The part that I found most interesting, though, is that, according to <a href="">this article</a>, the patch is an amazing 264 gigabytes.
Actually, I'm sure that's a typo, but I still found it amusing. You can also purchase a CD with the patch on it as opposed to downloading. At 264GB, that would require 377 standard 700M CDs. Even if they would issue that patch on DVD, it would still take 56 discs.
Actually, I'm sure that's a typo, but I still found it amusing. You can also purchase a CD with the patch on it as opposed to downloading. At 264GB, that would require 377 standard 700M CDs. Even if they would issue that patch on DVD, it would still take 56 discs.