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Snow Orc Fort Invasion
Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:07 am
by Darkraven
David Dalamar and Velorn Darkraven were poking fun at a couple of Black Wisps in Hythloth when the call came from Azalin Darkfire - Orcs were gathering at the Snow Orc Fort. Off they went to see this possible invading force. The entrance of Ice had more ice monsters than normal but when they arrived at the Fort, bodies lay strewn all over the place and the place was still packed with Orcs! Zanzabar was happily throwing bombs around the place from his brand new keg. They quickly cleared out the heavily populated fort and went back to Ice in search of the leader. As a dozen monsters descended on them West of the entrance, a second wave arrived at the Fort and steadily streamed out into Ice. Bombs flew from every direction (mostly but not all from Zanzabar), Dalamar laughed maniacally from the bloodlust and dozens upon dozens of Orcs fell to their swords as they surrounded Darkraven and Darkfire. By the time it was over, their heads were near the ceiling from standing on the bodies.
The four pressed on thru Ice to be joined by Illadir Salsas, Kala and Velamin. An Ice Fiend was cowering in the West corner but was soon put out of his misery. A note was found: Soon the world will be in a deep freeze... The Ancient Snowmaster.
A good quest. No uber items - just pure killing fun!
Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:16 am
by Zanzabar
I would like to note that 2 kegs (majority of the 2nd) of x pots were used by me.
Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:42 am
by Zanzabar
Yew orc fort is being covered with more and more snow as days pass. Sooner or later, shovels will be of need.
Found over 50 orcs and trolls at the yew fort tonight. They must be gathering..
Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:27 am
by Azalin4savioR
I just hope im awake when the next gathering of fun begins, I keep finding myself sleeping in my cozy little home in Trinsic to long and waking up to the stories of what happened while I slept..*grumbles* Can some wizard whip me up a alertness potion? Heh
Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:18 pm
by Zanzabar
This is probably just a coincidence but I lost control of my obsidian when I died in the fort (connection problem). My steed had to have killed like 20 orcs. He than began to talk like a henchie; saying things like "AH HAH, a polar bear" and the such. Anyone else had the problem, cant use any commands.
Fri Jul 16, 2004 12:11 am
by Zack
Is this quest over? There was normal spawn in forts but there was snow. In the Ice dungeon I did see ice elementals which I didn't know existed until now. Just wondering.
Fri Jul 16, 2004 1:13 am
by Zanzabar
Not over, we just found a couple notes.
Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:07 am
by Zack
okay good
Fri Jul 16, 2004 12:43 pm
by Eldric
Zanzabar wrote:Not over, we just found a couple notes.
Details and story forthcoming?
Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:18 pm
by Zanzabar
Already are posts about it.
Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:32 pm
by Eldric
Ah, I thought it soudned like someone found a couple more notes in addition to what was reported before.
Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:55 am
by Darkraven
The SnowMaster had amassed another force in Ice but his diabolical plans were quickly squelched by about 9 people (don't have all the names so I'll leave it at that). The third note was found on an Ice Fiend.
Snow Minions:
The overland will soon be winterland. Feel free to wander about. We will call it home soon!!
The Ancient SnowMaster
Basically, our huge force just pushed thru all of Ice, killing anything in its path. Some of the highlights of the fight:
- <name withheld> dying as a frog then returning as a ghost frog.
- <name withheld> jumping into the Death Vortex... twice... just for the heck of it.
- Scott kissing a frog to turn it back into Aislin. awwww.