Praetorians on the Move Again!

I dropped in to visit at Felix's house last night. He was playing chess with Pau Atei and Ehran. Not being a chess player, I rearranged Felix's house a little, putting some finishing touches on his decor. Before too long, they finished playing, and Pau and Ehran retired for the evening.
Felix asked me if I wanted to go hunt Praetorians with him and Magus. I said, "sure", so we went to the bank to wait for Magus, who must have gotten lost on his way, because Felix and I were nodding off by the time he got there.
Once we were ready, we gated to Trinsic and headed out the South gate to see if the Praetorians were on the move again after a group of us had beaten them back the night before.
We hadn't gone far when we ran into the first of the Praetorians. Not only were they back, but they had reinforcements too! Our first hint that things were not going to be easy were glimpses of Praetorian Dragon Handlers, followed by the first of many Praetorian Dragons!
These were no ordinary Dragons...these were some of the biggest, meanest Dragons I've ever seen! It took us hours to reach the fort. We had to have killed 10 - 15 of those beasts! By the time we finally reached the fort, we were exhausted. The fort itself was packed with Praetorians and they had one of those Dragons inside the fort itself to protect them.
Finally the fort was empty and we headed back to Nujelm to share the spoils. Felix found a note in his pack:
"I hope the Dragon Handlers and there charges, find you all in good health. The time to move grows close. Keep the fort save and we are about ready to claim new territory."
Sounds like they have plans to expand their control.
Felix asked me if I wanted to go hunt Praetorians with him and Magus. I said, "sure", so we went to the bank to wait for Magus, who must have gotten lost on his way, because Felix and I were nodding off by the time he got there.
Once we were ready, we gated to Trinsic and headed out the South gate to see if the Praetorians were on the move again after a group of us had beaten them back the night before.
We hadn't gone far when we ran into the first of the Praetorians. Not only were they back, but they had reinforcements too! Our first hint that things were not going to be easy were glimpses of Praetorian Dragon Handlers, followed by the first of many Praetorian Dragons!
These were no ordinary Dragons...these were some of the biggest, meanest Dragons I've ever seen! It took us hours to reach the fort. We had to have killed 10 - 15 of those beasts! By the time we finally reached the fort, we were exhausted. The fort itself was packed with Praetorians and they had one of those Dragons inside the fort itself to protect them.
Finally the fort was empty and we headed back to Nujelm to share the spoils. Felix found a note in his pack:
"I hope the Dragon Handlers and there charges, find you all in good health. The time to move grows close. Keep the fort save and we are about ready to claim new territory."
Sounds like they have plans to expand their control.