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World of Dreams Poll

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:40 pm
by Drocket
In order to see what the general feeling is on some assorted subjects, we've decided to run a poll. To access the poll, just type '.poll' in-game. There's a total of 50 questions in the poll. The first few are general questions about you (age, gender, internet connection, etc), followed by a few general questions about your feelings on the WoD, followed by a bunch of questions about random topics.

Its probably worth mentioning that the polls results are basically going to be used anonymously. We really don't care how any individual answers: we just want to get an overview of how the shard feels about different subjects. I should also say that just because there's a question about a specific subject doesn't mean that we have any plans to do anything like that. Also, if you get disconnected or accidentily close the poll while you're taking it, it automatically restarts where you left off if you type '.poll' again.

So, if everyone would fill out the poll, we'd appreciate it. The more people who take it, the more accurate the results are.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 9:44 pm
by kaice

This is an *excellent* solution to the problem of .. well,.. polling the players :). And it avoids all of the problems of "I can't get on that night' , or 'It's not my timezone' that would be encountered if we tried to have a player get-together for this discussion.

How long to you plan to gather data before telling us the results? (You are going to tell us, aren't you? lol)

p.s. Why Cleveland , for gosh sakes?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 10:19 pm
by Drocket
I'll probably post the results on Monday. That'll give everyone the weekend to vote, since there's a lot of players who don't have time to be online during the week.

Why not Cleveland? :)

I have my agenda.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 9:29 am
by Marius the Black
It's a shame it's anonymous. I have no objections voicing my opinion (and then, often repeatedly). ;)

I really like this poll idea. Though it does make me leave my soapbox and picket sign in the corner, accumulating dust. Controversy! Drama! That's what I crave! Or, maybe not. Peace is good. Sort of. :twisted:

Questions I would've like to have seen.

* Which part of the world do you come from?

- U.K
- Europe/Asia
- U.S
- Oceania
- Other
- Britannia!

* In regards to the current STATIC housing situation, how do you feel this should be changed?

- static houses should decay
- static houses should only last a certain time period
- static houses are just fine
- static houses are terrible; take them away.
- I don't plan to own one, I don't care.

* In regards to the current DEEDED housing situation, how do you feel this should be changed?

- ugh! Deeded houses? Take them away!
- I think deeded houses should have more lockdowns
- I think deeded houses should be customisable
- Deeded houses are just fine the way they are
- I don't plan to own one, I don't care.

* Players currently have 5 housing points. How do you feel about this?

- Housing points should be increased
- Housing points are fine the way they are.
- Housing points should be per character.
- Housing points should be removed entirely
- I don't plan to have a house, now or ever, so I don't care.

* What types of quests would you MOST like to see?

- "Go there, kill them, take their stuff" - quests
- Long character-interaction drama-y-type quests
- A blend of character (and NPC) interaction and action type quests
- I really don't care, as long as I have fun.
- Go on a quest? I'd rather do TMaps!

"Just my ten cents' worth. My two cents is free." ;) '/unquote'



PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 2:08 pm
by Liselle
drocket would it be possible for me to reset my poll? i accedently clicked the wrong button and i cant go back :(

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:53 pm
by Malachai
Those are some good questions Marius. I would have liked to answer them on the poll. Guess I'll have to do it here.

1. US
2. Static houses should decay
3. Deeded house should be customizeable (this should be coming once POL goes AOS fully.
4. Housing points are just fine
5. A blend of character/npc interaction and action

There ya have it.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:32 am
by Adroi Andune
Some of the questions didnt have enough answers :(

Where does Archer fit in character type? I had to go with other hybred. An archer serves a purpose different from the tanks ( absorbing lots of damage ), and mages ( the true killers, but with soft underbellies ).

There appears to be not much of a market for player made items ( especially carpenters, since I wish to make my own bows ), so I had to mark the crafting section at 10%, I would have prefered 50%.

And the final delima I had, which is most likely very unique, is the playing time. Lets see I played the first time for about 8-9 months, then had no account for 3.5 years ( they were deleted after inactivity back then ), and now have played for 2 months. In the end I put I played from 6months to 1 year. Longer didnt seem right, neither did putting 2 months...

I must say some of those questions were... interesting.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:55 pm
by Riley
Do they not delete your account for inactivity anymore because i played before but i did not have my password and i changed email addresses since i left college.