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Anti-Newbie Legislation needs to be worked on

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:13 pm
by Rydalia
This afternoon while working on my new Mage, a friend of mine Vale [Young] asked me where he could go to get some fast cash. He is getting stronger and wanted to see how well he could do against some undead. I sent him over to the Brit graveyard.

While he is in there fighitng. Along comes JACK with his pet dragon and cleans the place out.

Now Jack, if you are reading this... You have no buisness going into a newb area with a pet dragon. I dont care if you have a young tag. If your skills are strong enuf to have a pet dragon you can go someplace else. If you need the cash that badly come and talk with Rydalia in game i will give you what you need. Leave the newbie areas alone.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:48 pm
by Dell-Leafsong
Please don't open this can o'worms again. We had a long thread about this a little while ago, and I don't think much productive came out of it.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:03 pm
by Tristan Gryphon
Lemme see if I have this straight, now you're getting on to a player with a [young] tag for hunting in the newbie area? So that another player with a [young] tag can hunt there?

hehe, the level of ridiculousness of that statement astounds me.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:25 pm
by simon
Just because someone has a dragon doesn't mean they can hunt anywhere, with a little help from others you could train all your skills to max, and not have the stats to do anything major.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:33 pm
by Kasia/Ki'Anna
I see nothing wrong with him hunting there,its there for ALL young players,not just a choice few.It respawns rather quickly so its not as though he is depriving anyone,he,just as your friend,needs to gain skill and learn.What I used to do was clear the graveyard,then job and vendor quest while waiting for the respawn.Worked out very well for me. :)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:41 pm
by Raiden Stydoran
Maybe Jack might have asked if he could join Vale in hunting there, but he may not have seen Vale till too late.

But other than that people can hunt where ever they want. kthx.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:42 pm
by Dell-Leafsong
There's probably a lot of things both of these young folks could have done that would have been more WODian. Maybe in time, they'll learn that WOD ain't Stuffquest'04. It took me a little while. Here's hoping they eventually come around too.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:43 pm
by Myr
Ok I have good skills but am always in need of cash. So if I promise not to hunt in the Brit Graveyard (Unless there's a quest, I need some Necro Regs, I am training Henchies, etc) will you give me Money? :)

Take a moment. Take a deep slow breath. Realize the great injustice you think occurred was one noob cleared out the graveyard and another noob had to wait.

Ok enough of my good side now time for the Bad. :twisted:

Yeah Brit Graveyard is off limits to all non noobs and noobs with dragons, and since we are calling places off limits to certain people/groups I say to everyone stay out of Shame it is My Dungeon, I call it. I also call the Brit Bank that is mine now as well! Also Famine, Wind, Covetous, and Trinsic. Buc's Den is also mine, since it is my favorite Vacation Spot.

No wait, I can't do all that. I should play nice and let everyone go anywhere they want. Except my house that is off limits! I paid for it so it is mine!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:04 am
by Joram Lionheart
Usually when I'm hunting in a dungeon/spawn area and some other player comes along, I offer to leave, regardless of who got there first (unless I need to do a quest there in which case I explain I only need to finish my quest and I'll leave). The world is just to big to be fighting over one particular hunting spot. There are tons of places I could (would rather) go other than the Britain Graveyard, err. . . I mean, The Homer Oldham Memorial Cemetary :)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:24 am
by Rydalia
No Jack is not tagged [young]

My point is this...

I have been playing for a bit. And when i got to a place and i see someone there i leave. No questions asked. Now lets say this was Shame or something, no problem, just go to another area. But were talking about Brit graveyard here. A very small place. I see a [Young] tagged person right at the gate fighitng a few undead, and i am going to march in there with my pet dragon and wipe the place out? NO i wouldnt i have more respect for others then that.

Perhaps i shouldnt have brought this up, but its stuff like that that anger me. I always have and will continue to repsect others and where they are hunting. I guess it was just wrong of me to expect others to have the same stance as myself.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:36 am
by Joram Lionheart
Rydalia wrote:No Jack is not tagged [young] . . .
Perhaps i shouldnt have brought this up, but its stuff like that that anger me. I always have and will continue to repsect others and where they are hunting. I guess it was just wrong of me to expect others to have the same stance as myself.

What did you say to Jack? Did he tell you to go take a hike?

Re: Anti-Newbie Legislation needs to be worked on

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:38 am
by Tristan Gryphon
Rydalia wrote:Now Jack, if you are reading this... You have no buisness going into a newb area with a pet dragon. I dont care if you have a young tag.

Well, excuse me if I took this for Jack having a [young] tag. I have personally never had the pleasure of meeting him. I simply took your word for it. Notice, Your word, not mine.

You painted this as an issue of two [young] players being in the same area at the same time. Yes, in the scenario, there are some etiquette issues. But it wasn't presented as an etiquette issue, it was presented as someone needing to stay out of the Brit GY because they were too strong to be there. Etiquette is something that is passed on through the proper techniques of teaching. Not blasting them on the boards.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:03 am
by Dell-Leafsong
Rydalia wrote:No Jack is not tagged [young]
I guess it was just wrong of me to expect others to have the same stance as myself.

The truth is, yep, it is just as imposible for others to live up to your standards 24/7/365 as it is for you to live up to theirs. There's something in the Players' Oath about tolerance, kindness, etc. I haven't ever signed it mainly because I'm sure don't measure up. All I can really pledge is that I'll try. And really, that's all we can expect from other too.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:45 am
by Laephis
This issue has come up several times recently, and in different forms, so I'd like to clarify and hopefully put an end to these kind of threads.

There are no "off-limits" areas on WoD. Players are free to hunt in the location of their choice. However, if you are an established player in plate armor, it's inconsiderate to be hunting in an easy place like the Brit GY. It's downright rude to be doing that when you see other younger players already there. But there's no rule against hunting there, and if you don't mind the stigma, then have fun.

Now, if you see a person who you think is taking the easy way out to get their money and magics, you are more than welcome to ask that person about it. Talking to them before you post accusations on the boards might reveal something you didn't realize: a young player with a dragon might have been given 100k, trained up taming so they could control a dragon, but only have 40hp. You'll never know until you ask them.

[And on a more general note and not directed toward any one player]

Frankly, I'm tired of seeing whiny posts about things that should have been discussed privately between players. If it's not against the rules, deal with it privately or drop it and move on. We do our best to give you a fun gaming environment and yet people seem to get more enjoyment out of causing grief on the boards. It's extremely tiresome. Posting dirty laundry on the boards does nothing but stink up the place.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:22 am
by Chelsea Duklain
Laephis for President! *Waves a WODian flag*