Found quite a few discrepancies between what the manual says certain necro spells do/are and what they actually do/are in-game. Figured I'd drop a post to help out any new possible disciples of the netherworld with what's what in that good old Necronomicon we call the Codex...
Commune - totally useless. If you are a Necromancer capable of casting this spell, you are sure capable of contacting the netherworld with just your Necromancy skill.
Spectre's Touch - AWESOME spell. Only thing is, the manual says it only transfers Str. from target to you, while it transfers dex and int as well. Also, should state that it overrides str, agility, and cunning spells, as well as str and agility potions.
Wraith's Breath - now that I had it explained to me in-game what it *really* does, it's great. But the manual still states that it does area effect poison damage.
Release - haven't had this spell *kill* an undead yet... it does damage to them, sometimes a LOT, but the manual should state that it damages undead, not kills them.
Wraithform - I like it, but is it really poison damage it's causing? It looks more like the red sparklies from mind blast, etc...and sounds like mana drain or dispel. And it's definitely not poisoning anything.
Plague - no questions about it, THIS spell ROCKS! But, the manual says it's a more powerful version of Wraith's Breath... and it's not.
** Xandebaric is coming for you all! Those who oppose him shall perish with all the other weak-minded fools now attacking your cities! Join Him, or suffer the same fate!