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Cottage charm

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:55 pm
by Dell-Leafsong
Our little cottage (sextant coordinates 1235, 1743) is finally in place near the Britain public fields. Please stop by when you have a moment to chat with Ygal, myself, or our vendor Hand Crafted.

I have been tending our garden, and I am very pleased with the variety of plants that will grow in the Queen's fertile soil. Please tell us if you have any comments on the decoration of the house or the gardens. We are always glad to hear input from our neighbors.

Keep well, my brothers and sisters.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 11:08 pm
by Ehran
Congratulations on getting a place of your own :)
You can look forward to the Queen's official greeter and keeper of the tax rolls to visit your new homestead in the very near future. He'll be more than happy to help you with all that nasty paperwork for the farm tax, land holding taxes,building assesment tax, school tax, beautification tax, suppression of gizash tax, window tax (you do have some windows right?) road taxes and there are a few (hundred) others not worth naming really.
Just remember he really is from the gov't and he is here to "help" you redistribute all that pesky gold before it topples over and injures someone. :P