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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 6:39 am
by simon
I want to switch simon over to a bard.

I would like to know the best specs for that.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:15 am
by Atei
Depends on what you want the bard to do, really. My main mage Covenant has provocation and music as secondary skills now (along with Lore). He has an indy provoke buff and hasn't had any trouble provoking anything, yet.

When I had a full bard, his specs were something like this: provocation, music and magery or lockpicking primed; invocation, meditation, magery (if lockpicking primed) or "other" (if magery primed). He was primarily my fisherman and did okay.

The reason I switched my full bard is that without magery and invocation primed, his self-buffs just didn't cut it. With Cove being a full-mage, his self-buffs are as good as any, and since magery is his prime skill and provocation a secondary skill, if he fails that music or provo check it won't kill him.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:28 pm
by Orion Michaels
My Bards specs are:

Primes: Provocation, Magery, Lockpicking
Seconds: Musicianship, Invocation, Magic Resist

Although, in light of recent changes I should probably switch invocation and lockpicking. Or drop lockpicking all together for meditation in secondary. Low AR blows when you are a bard.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 6:01 pm
by Odyssey
My bard has:

Prime, Provocation, Musicianship, Taming
Second, Magery, Invocation, Animallore

Works out quite well but i'm thinking about switch music for lore on prime spot to become a good tamer.
Musicianship should work quite well even as a secondary. Provoc is most important.