Last night, I'm minding my own buisness finishing up a few things in the Bank of Britain, and these Praetorian scum, scuse me, Scouts start wandering around the bank just poking thier noses into everything. What is this world coming to.
After encouraging thime to leave, I did a circuit of town convincing a few others to take up residence in whatever nether relm it is they reside in after death.
Some time after that, I got word via Cyrus that there were yet MORE of them camping out on the beach a lil bit to the east of the Britain Moongate, probably some kind of smuggling (or worse) operation in the works.
Not only were there Praetorian there but some of the former townspeople, aka the rebel scum, aka the angry townspeople were there chatting it up with them, well, that little party needed to be broken up so Cyrus Eisengrim and I threw in our lot with Egbad Stormhawk, Jasper and Lotheris Bloodoak in dealing with them.
On the up side, it seems the Praetorian are having a bit of bad luck of late, most or all of the Knights and Lords were afoot, instead of on thier ususal war ostards.
Oh, I am quite sure some sort of orders were recovered during the retaking of the beach, but I am not in possession of the document. So can't relay its contents here.
I hear tell there was another encampent out to the east of town, presumably it was dealt with in a smiliarm manner.