I also messaged several people (except I was asking if they needed help) and got no reply. I think people were just too busy to reply to messages. I was out fishing with Iarwain "Ben" Afar when I saw the death spam rolling in. I decided to head for shore ASAP and recall to Brit in case a rescue was forming there. Little did I know... hehe. I was targetted by two bunnies as soon as I recalled in and barely escaped into the bank. But they were so fast they managed to follow me inside! I kept blasting them and running and kinda managed to rebuff at one point but they got me inside the bank after just a few minutes.
Soon after I got rezzed and got myself together. First thing I did was find out where most players were and stuck to them like glue! I did die a couple more times before we all started working together smoothly, but then it was doable, as SS said.
I think several things made this especially tough: The darn things were tough to target! It wasn't so much keeping their bars up as getting them in the first place.
They came right up to the bank and attacked before people had a chance to buff. This might be viewed as "unfair" but invaders rarely are fair.
They were individually so tough that you couldn't solo them... and two or three on you spelled death unless you had multiple mages healing you. Well, that's different than many of us are used to. Most of us don't hunt Ancient Dragons regularly (and certainly not several of them together at once), so it required some adjustment to figure out how to deal with them. We are used to large numbers of mobs posing the problem, not just a few really tough ones. In fact, I think some of them were significantly tougher than Ancients, at least the added poisoning ability made it seem that way!
So, it was really tough, and many lives were lost... and many people got frustrated. It happens sometimes.
Once in a while you need a really big challenge to find out what your limits are. I think we all found out we
did have limits and have to depend on others (large, burly, mean-looking groups of others) to help defend us.
If anybody lost anything they are having trouble recovering from, send me a message in-game and I will do my best to see if I can help you find a replacement.
Be careful out there everyone!