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New Player :)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:58 pm
by Ephetat
I guess I am a bit late. I am a new player who has been accepted, say, 1 week ago or something. :) I was a bit late in registering the forums. I just wanted to thank the GMs for accepting me. And I'm glad to be here. So far I've seen that people are very friendly here, and I've always recieved help when I asked. I only hope that I can help the friendly spirit of this rare shard, in which I'm sure I'll be spending more time in.

I also got my friend to join, whose ingame name is Slethron Nailo. My name is Ephetat Redsteel ingame. We usually travel together, so say hello to us when you notice us. :)

With that, I wish everyone fun.


PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:09 pm
by Ephetat
Checking other introduction threads, I've decided that I should give some more information on myself. This is going to look a lot like my application. Heh.

I am a new player to Ultima Online. The shards in my country, to be honest, always have overcrowded servers with rampant, uncontrolled PKing going on. After a few failed attempts at trying to play in the abovementioned servers, I began searching for a RP server, as I always was hearing that PKing was regulated there and the world was more "balanced". The World of Dreams was the third server I found. The first one, called Shadows of Sunder, was down due to the admin giving up, or something like that. The second one, Keisthai, was an adult shard. Being 15 years old, I passed that away too. Then I found the World of Dreams and saw that this could be very well the server I was looking for. So far it has not disappointed me. :)

After finding out this server, I recommended it to Slethron, who is a close friend of mine who also likes RPGs, and wanted to begin Ultima Online. Ironically, he too suffered the same fate of being simply unable to play in our local shards. So I recommended him this shard and he put me as his referal, writing little or no background information at first, which caused him to be rejected. I convinced him to write a longer background, and he did, and now he's playing alongside me. He seems to like the server. :)

We complement each other. He's the mage, and I'm the mundane one. Therefore, he plays as Mage/Scribe and I play as Blacksmith/Swordsman. I am novice, and he is neophyte.

Oh, and, thanks to:

"Neera", who basically gave me a hand when I was trying to get on my feet,
"Gaeron Hale", for answering my every question with patience in my first two days, (I hope I got the name correct)
"Wolfy", for getting me out of the "Despise" dungeon to which I had mindlessly wandered and in which I died the first time, also getting me a horse. :)

I'm sure the list will be bigger later on. :)

That's about it.


PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:41 pm
by Joram Lionheart
Oooh, a turkish player :) (are you ethnic turkish or just happen to live there right now?) I was in Istanbul a couple a years ago, one seriously awesome city. Say, what does your name mean, anyway? (I noticed it was greek, are you greek?)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:43 pm
by Joram Lionheart
Oh yeah, make sure to look me up in-game. I may have a few items/gold for you and/or your friend.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:05 pm
by Ephetat
Joram Lionheart: As I said to you ingame, I am Turkish from birth, and so is Slethron. I hadn't known that "ephetat" was part Greek. It's just a nickname I thought of several months back.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:00 pm
by Tamla Tamara
Oh hheehe and here I thought it was something you put on a tombstone hehe.


New User

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:53 pm
by Slethron
Hi all!
So as you guess I'm the friend of Ephetat he's been talking about. I don't feel like talking about myself and my interests because Eph has already written a lot of things about myself
As he said I'm a mage and I like using mage/wizard characters.
To be honest, this is a great shard! Everyone's so friendly and the volunteers answer my questions so patiently. (I want to thank everyone who helped me in the game - I'm not giving any names because I don't remember the usernames of all who helped me and besides I don't want to be unfair telling some names and some not.)
So I guess that was all.
I'm very grateful being accepted to such a wonderful shard of UO.
Cheers ;)

About Istanbul

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:54 pm
by Slethron
And I hope you liked Istanbul Joram Lionheart. It's a nice city.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:55 pm
by Ephetat
Hey buddy. Glad to see you. :)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:25 pm
by Wolfie
Tamla Tamara wrote:Oh hheehe and here I thought it was something you put on a tombstone hehe.


That's an epitaph lol

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 7:59 pm
by Tamla Tamara
Wolfie wrote:
Tamla Tamara wrote:Oh hheehe and here I thought it was something you put on a tombstone hehe.


That's an epitaph lol

Yes, silly, I was teasing him/her. :OP


PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 8:05 am
by Slethron

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 3:42 am
by Herakles
Welcome Ephetat and Slethron
Hail and well met. If you see me ingame, gimme a holler. Same as Joram, I have a few things to offer the both of you.
I hope your stay here is a safe and enjoyable one.
