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Tue May 04, 2004 10:23 pm
by Darcane
I am looking for a rare decoration item or quest item. Something that you don't see every day. If you have something that may fit the bill, I have about 600k to spend on such an item. Please reply here or PM me. I would like to pick this up before the weekend because it's a mothers day present.
Wed May 05, 2004 12:49 am
by Kronos Leir
with some notes for some quest do?
Wed May 05, 2004 1:04 am
by Kronos Leir
it posted twice
Wed May 05, 2004 1:04 am
by Darcane
Jon Leir wrote:with some notes for some quest do?
I was looking for something more visual. Notes are nice but you have to read them to get the full value. Thanks though.
Wed May 05, 2004 1:05 am
by Kronos Leir
ok =) I have an item from the apirl fools joke that Drocket pulled where everyones name got turned to larry. It a .owned robe?
Not really a quest item but thought i would offer it
I also have one of the dragon status from chistmas.
Wed May 05, 2004 2:37 am
by Gwardosa
He is probably look for like a Fish Tank deed or something along that rare items. Wouldnt be hard to make a .owned robe by larry
just make a char named that hehe
Wed May 05, 2004 3:02 am
by Kronos Leir
Hehe i thought the same thing after i posted
Wed May 05, 2004 3:19 am
by simon
I have 2 green tokens of some kind, they look odd in my house that Belle spent a ton of time deco'n so I could cough them up
Wed May 05, 2004 3:20 am
by Wolfie
I have a marble horse and piano, but you're probably looking for something rarer
Wed May 05, 2004 4:14 am
by Gwardosa
the horse is kinda rare its from christmas so not really that rare. The piano are a dime a dozen now a days :< wish they were rarer like the good ole days.
Wed May 05, 2004 11:28 am
by Azzo Ranar
I have some sashes from previous quests you are welcome to one free of charge.