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Atei's Sunday Wishes (with a little help from Kasia)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 9:47 pm
by Atei
1.) Hot chocolate/hot tea/hot coffee.

2.) Harvestable coffee and cocoa beans. These could then be ground up into coffee grounds or powdered cocoa to make the hot coffee and hot chocolate. Also, the cocoa could be combined with milk (and number 3) to make chocolate milk. (I'm not sure where tea leaves come from, however.)

3.) Harvestable sugar cane. This could also be ground up in the grinder to make sugar.

4.) By combining elements of 2 & 3, we get to the real reason for this post: CHOCOLATE! Anything and everything chocolate!

5.) Marshmallows, mustn't forget those for the hot chocolate.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:47 pm
by Dracovich
I would like to add my own little wishes onto this :)

Easier wishes:
1) I would like to see pepperonni pizza added, shouldn't be that hard, just take sausage pizza and substitute sausage for pepperoni.
If possible I would like to see ham, chicken, and maybe combination pizzas such as pepperoni and sausage.

2) Would it be possible to add some more cookable fish items?
Raw fishstakes only have one type of use, and their nutrition value isn't very high.
Could use them to make sardine pizzas.

3) Could we make coconuts harvestable?
Mabye take the banna tree and change it's color to make it a palm tree.

Harder wishes:
4) I really like the new giant cakes with the colors that can be chosen. Would it be possible to have a gump to choose the frosting color also, not just the icing. I think it would spice up the cakes a little.
I am not sure how hard this would be, but if it is difficult I don't mind it being scrapped.

5) I know that making new graphics and new harvestables take a while to implement, but here are some ideas I have for new harvestables:
Small friuts: strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. These could be used to make new pies and cakes. Also maybe items such as strawberry cheesecake. And if Atei's chocolate suggestion goes into effect maybe chocolate cheesecake.
The blueberries and blackberries could use the small shrub graphic for the plants and the strawberries could use the flax graphic with the flowers made red(not sure if this will look right :) ).
For the actuall graphics for the blue and black berries you could use the blackpearl graphic and change the color. For strawberries a new one would have to be developed.
I know I have overthought this one, but I figure giving these suggestions might make it come about faster and easier :)


PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 11:38 pm
by Xanola Remings
I say cooks are overpowered anyway... nerf em! (this was posted entirely in jest)

Re: Atei's Sunday Wishes (with a little help from Kasia)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 5:13 am
by dione
Atei wrote:1.) Hot chocolate/hot tea/hot coffee.

2.) Harvestable coffee and cocoa beans. These could then be ground up into coffee grounds or powdered cocoa to make the hot coffee and hot chocolate. Also, the cocoa could be combined with milk (and number 3) to make chocolate milk. (I'm not sure where tea leaves come from, however.)

3.) Harvestable sugar cane. This could also be ground up in the grinder to make sugar.

4.) By combining elements of 2 & 3, we get to the real reason for this post: CHOCOLATE! Anything and everything chocolate!

I Love it, Please add the Chocolate. :wuggle:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 5:26 pm
by Ehran
Pineapple then we could have ham and pineapple pizza.

tea leaves are picked from bushes and like coffee beans are packed full of natural toxins to keep bugs from nibbling on them.

marshmallow was originally a product of the mallow plant which grows in egypt. a hefty amount of sugar was added and presto the marshmallow was born. i believe it was introduced to the wide public at an english world's fair. it became so popular that the mallow plant was nearly driven into extinction by over harvesting. now most marshmallow is artificial but supposedly you can tell the real thing from the artificial.
perhaps a person could grub up some mallow once in a while when mining clay in the swamp?

Re: Atei's Sunday Wishes (with a little help from Kasia)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:51 pm
by Drocket
Atei wrote:1.) Hot chocolate/hot tea/hot coffee.

Well, I'll see what I can do. It tends to be rather annoying to add a lot of stuff like this, and most of it will probably require some new graphics, I think... We'll see... :)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:59 pm
by Drocket
Dracovich wrote:1) I would like to see pepperonni pizza added, shouldn't be that hard, just take sausage pizza and substitute sausage for pepperoni.
If possible I would like to see ham, chicken, and maybe combination pizzas such as pepperoni and sausage.

Technically, pepperoni is a form of sausage, just one that tends to be defined by the spices that are used in creating it :P

Adding a few new pizza types isn't too bad, but the problem is that there's a ridiculous number of possible combinations. Because pizza is stackable, that means that each and every one of them needs to be defined as an entry in itemdesc.cfg. Adding a few hundred new items to itemdesc.cfg, then adding them again to cooking.cfg is a bit more work than I feel up to.

2) Would it be possible to add some more cookable fish items?


3) Could we make coconuts harvestable?

Hmm, maybe. I'll play with the graphics...

4) I really like the new giant cakes with the colors that can be chosen. Would it be possible to have a gump to choose the frosting color also, not just the icing.

Not really, because of the way UO graphics work: Items can only have one selectable color. The only way I could make make it work would be to do it similar to the way that presents work, where I defined a whole bunch of different graphics (the box colors), then made the ribbon the actual selectable color. I'm sure you've seen how well the present graphics turned out... :roll:

I'll see about adding a few, though...

5)Small friuts: strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

I'll see about adding at least a couple of them. If I add chocolate, strawberries would go well :)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 10:20 pm
by Dracovich
Thanks D-man!!

I can see the problem with pizza combinations.
Yeah, I am not sure how the cakes would turn out anyways, but it was just a suggestion anyways :)

Thanks again for taking our suggestions into consideration :)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 11:52 pm
by dione
Your the man DMan :D

*Walks of Dreaming of Chocolate*

PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 8:17 am
by Marius the Black
World of Chocolate?
