To Marius the Black

In-character discussion

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Postby Seon MacRae on Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:46 am

I'd love to help any way I can, both for the library idea and the other magery "centers". I'm fairly new to this world, but I have both necromancer and druid characters, and want to contribute to the world as much as possible - this sounds interesting.

Since I'm relatively young in this world, I will most definitely ask for input from wiser, more experienced characters.
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Postby Greywolfe on Thu Apr 10, 2003 4:14 am

Well as for the mage tower, I still plan to move forward with preparing it as a venue for mages of all types. I am close to having a solid model for how I am going to go about making it become useful and plan to post what I have tonight or tomorrow.

I regards to Lyl's comments about the library, you make a valid point. If everyone received special consideration for whatever project they decided to pursue it could become quite difficult on the shard and staff.

However, I still feel that a Library is a good idea and is an important project. Regardless of whether the staff decides to allow the Lyceaeum to become the new library or not I think Marius should still pursue the development of a library. I still plan to contribute to the library in any way possible.

One area I would probably disagree with Marius is that I feel that the library should have more of a generic application. In other words rather than making it geared more specifically for necromancers, it should be a building that makes citizens of all classes feel equally welcome. A crafter should feel just as welcome as a necromancer, or a fighter etc. This is particularly important if you get accepted to use the Lyceaeum as the location for the library. A building as public and open as the Lyceaeum should basically show no signs of individual ownership and rather feel as a piece of the community.

Here is my thought/suggestion for the Lyceaeum. Now keep in mind I am just a player but this plan seems to make sense and is basically an amendment to my previous statements.

Now keep in mind this whole idea is based on the notion that a staff member decided the Lyceaeum as a good spot for the Library.

A staff member would actually own the lyceaeum. This would allow it to be useable and would prevent one player from owning such a massive structure. (more on this later)

Then Marius would need to put together a council of himself and 3 additional members. These four would be in charge of decorating and scribing the volumes etc. The reason for 4 members is because the staff member could friend each of the four members to the Lyceaeum. Which in turn would allow then to add and remove books furniture etc It would also allow for the items to be locked down to prevent decay

This plan allows the Library to remain community property and would prevent any individuals from corrupting the building or using it for personal storage, vendors, etc. A donation box could be established in the courtyard allowing any player to donate books or artifacts that would be useful to the library. I feel that the lecture rooms should be open to any guild or group that wishes to hold meeting lectures etc, and should not be limited to one or two specific guilds.

Now just to reiterate this thought/suggestion was based off of the notion that staff decided to use this building as the library. This in no way implies that the staff is actually going to do so.

However, I think it is also wise to determine a backup plan incase that staff feels that it is not the right time or place for a library. Therefore as Lyl suggested we should probably also consider a purchasable building for the library as well. Just off the top of my head I would say that a tower would be perhaps the easiest to convert into a library, and probably the best fit. However, I have seen a few static homes that are for sale that could also be very accommodating for a library and would be more than willing to direct you to a few options.

Overall the keys, in my opinion, are to make the library nonexclusive and accessible for everyone. There should really be no individual markings; vendors etc. This is important to help provide a public atmosphere. Random monks wandering the library are fine but if it is a public building such as the Lyceaeum then perhaps it would be wise to have a staff member spawn the monks so that they do not have a player tag associated with them (keeping with the public nonexclusive theme)

Well I have gone on long enough I will leave these new thoughts open to discussion and I look forward to any responses. I am also interested to hear a staff members opinion on the Library.

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Postby Marius the Black on Thu Apr 10, 2003 7:16 am

*In regards to Lyls post*

Inevidably, the library will be going along, Lyceaum or no. I didn't put so much work in already to go 'oh well, bugger it, I'll quit'.

As it stands, I don't understand why there is so much resistance to have it in the Lyceaum, rather than it being in a non-player owned building. I don't understand why empty space shouldn't be filled with a good idea. :)

Still, perhaps you are right, Lyl and I should just abandon this idea and go with another building. Would you still suggest Moonglow? Moonglow or Yew were my two prime choices. What do you think?

If it's a matter of proving worth, I can let the books speak for me. Still, if I have to be around (and much quieter) for awhile before the idea goes ahead, that's fine with me.

The last thing I want to do is take away enjoyment for other people, or gain some sort of 'advantage'. I like WoD, I want to contribute and make it grow. Maybe I'm asking too much, maybe I need to take smaller steps. Any more time is just more books, anyway, which is always good.

I'm not going to be around in UO-WoD for the last month of the week, with my download limit at almost full, anyway. I'll have plenty to write about when I get back, though, and hopefully people showering me with the books they wrote!

Oh and the 'But I want a Lyceaum!' was a joke, just maybe one not so well done in text without the whiney voice and pitiful begging - comically, of course. I hope that didn't sound like the focus of my argument, because it wasn't intended that way. I apologise if there was any misunderstanding.

*In regards to Seans post*

Sean, your generosity is appreciated. Feel free to post ideas in any of the library posts, or e-mail me or message me any time! The more perspective I have, the easier for me it is to realise if I'm doing the right thing. Questions are good, too.

*In regards to Greywolfes post*

It's just ideas for the moment. Just supposistions to see what other people think. I wouldn't want to exclude anyone from the library, or make them feel that way. The idea is to have a place where anyone can go and find anything out, essentially. The rest is just cosmetics. :wink:

One of the most critical things I think (just realising and re-reading Greywolfes post) is the assumption that I would own the library. I wouldn't. Really, all I want to do is put the books in and have them locked down so people can't butcher the place in three days. If that is a concern, then I'd be quite happy to just place everything, and have a GM lock it, so even I couldn't control it.

It's not really a concern of ownership of the library - I couldn't care less about that. The most important thing is the fact that the books are there, and that people can add to the library. No one should be excluded from the library. No one should own the library. Maybe I'd have a blast for a week or two about 'my' library, but even that is just a shallow fad. The point is building a community building. It's not like a six-building personal chéz love-suite; its a library, with books and chairs and knowledge.

Another thing; I would *hate* to have vendors in it, and I think that would be an abuse of the concept. However, I would think that someone selling blank books would be a good idea, or for there to be a place to get free books, so that someone might be inspired to write an idea after reading a book, maybe as a 'no THIS is how it happened', or just as inspiration.

I'm happy too, for more experienced players to take control. As long as I got to place books, that's really all that matters. I would like to think that the decor wouldn't be too tacky, if someone else did it though, because that would be really unfortunate - but still, this is all supposition.

A council would be fun, actually. Because that would not only divide the workload, but it would multiply the results and gains.

I'd love to hear about the places for sale - I had one in mind in Trinsic actually, but I found out today it was sold. :( I'm going on another house-hunt, to see if there are other nice places to buy.

As for the personal tags, I really dislike them, but it doesn't impact too much on the theme, I think. But I like the idea of wandering monks a lot, because they could sell blank books, say random things, and more importantly, move around. (I hope they wouldnt' flee the library though!)

Overall the keys, in my opinion, are to make the library nonexclusive and accessible for everyone. There should really be no individual markings; vendors etc. This is important to help provide a public atmosphere.


Thanks for the comments/questions/constructive criticisms/ideas. Keep them coming, I'm ready for round 2! :D

- Marius the Black
Marius the Black
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Postby Seon MacRae on Thu Apr 10, 2003 3:05 pm

I think providing a way to get supplies within the library would be convenient for those who want to contribute, but I agree that vendors would detract from the concept of a library.

Another thing that would be handy would be to have a place where people could submit contributions to the library (written contributions, not monetary) - a mailbox for the head librarian, so to speak. That way players could do their own scribing in game and drop the materials off for review and addition to the library.
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Postby Marius the Black on Thu Apr 10, 2003 6:59 pm

I agree, Seon. The idea of a 'mailbox' that Greywolfe came up with is a very good one. I think that something like that would be a handy addition to the game, especially so that someone wouldn't have to be on hand at all times for people to drop off books.

An idea I had for the mailbox was to have maybe a person standing somewhere who books are delivered to. A vendor, I suppose, who when you give him books 'pays' you for them. This might be a good incentive for more players to write books, and gives any who want to be 'professional' writers a good chance to do so, and be rewarded.

I wouldn't expect anyone to front up the money, I would do that myself. Maybe too, this person (npc) could also sell blank books.

Can anyone build upon that?
Marius the Black
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