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Losing virtue

Tue May 25, 2004 2:39 am
by Joka Atticus
Ok for me and a few other people who out of whoever reads this kills guards or npc to lose virtue.
If you do all you have to do is say I.
And also you should post(this is for everyone) if you think this is wrong.

Tue May 25, 2004 2:53 am
by Tamla Tamara
This was not the point.
I asked you politely to please not kill the guards as I was doing guard quests. You refused. All I asked was that you be considerate of other players.

Tue May 25, 2004 2:55 am
by Azzo Ranar
go to a different town to kill guards if possible, the guards in brit are almost always part of someones quest.

Tue May 25, 2004 2:56 am
by Atei
I'm a bit confused, Joka. Say what?
I have 2 characters that use poison and they kill NPCs as a matter of routine. They generally don't kill Guards but won't back down from a fight with a Guard. In fact, the Guards made the mistake of killing Braemus one night, and Drogh and Jazzy ended up wiping out the entire Britain Garrison of Guards, including the ones in the Castle.

Tue May 25, 2004 7:11 am
by Raiden Stydoran
If a guard happens to catch me killing an innocent citizen then that guard won't make it to the end of his shift. hehe. Nothing wrong with that. But...
If someone asks you to stop killing the guards that they are getting guard quests from then maybe just move along to the next one.

Tue May 25, 2004 6:39 pm
by Ehran
if you want to shed virtue at a great clip just go poison snow orks or brigands. no risk and you drap a point of virtue every time to nick one of them.
killing guards is inconsiderate because it interferes with people doing guard quests. doing it in occlo or moonglow is something of an improvement but not that much because if you are serious about doing guard quests you can use up every guard in britian in less than an hour sometimes much less. if several people are doing quests there may not be any guards anywhere available.
given that there are easy alternatives to drop virtue there is no reason to kill guards. pop an invis scroll or potion and stroll off while the guard is standing around looking confused about where the bad guy went.
my own personal solution to the guard killing as i find it distasteful would be to ask drocket to make one guard per 20 or 25 spawned rather UBER which would hopefully make guard whacking a bit of a risk for those so inclined.

Tue May 25, 2004 10:09 pm
by Joka Atticus
ok look heres the story
I was killing npcs and magnicia yesterday. When i killed just about everyone of them i came back to the brit bank. Where the guard attacked me because i was still in grey. And he killed me and killed me and maybe a few more times after that i finally turned blue again. So someone (i dont remember the name) came up to me and asked if i needed anyhelp and i said no i got it but some how we ended up killing more npcs in brit. We worked our way down the west end of brit killing npcs and guards if they attacked us. When we ended up in front of the haunt and a guard started to attack us. Wile we had the guard to about 1/2 life Tamla came up and asked us what we were doing. We said killing npcs to lose virtue. She asked us to stop. We said why and she said because she was doing guard quests. I asked her IS THIS GUARD THE GUARD YOU ARE DOING A QUEST FOR. And she said NO. So i continued to kill it instead of running off. Then i stoped i asked for a gate to yew and she said she wouldnt give me one. And thats fine i can run there my self i told her and she says no plz dont kill guards anymore. and i said i dont meen to kill the guards its just if im running through a town killing npcs a guard or two is bound to come and attack me. And we got into a argument and i understand where she was coming from that she was doing guard quests and she dosnt want the guard to die or it is all for nothing. AND THEN SHE SAYS THAT I JUST KILLED THE GUARD THAT SHE SAID SHE WASNT DOING A QUEST FOR BUT SHE WAS. so I debated more and more and i asked her if it was ok if i go to another town and she said no she was doing quest all over the map. And i debated some more and i got tired of it so i went to the little castle right past the western bridge The Art Museum and i killed the guard that was there. I started to walk off the screen when i all of the suden respawned again. so i killed it again. and not even 15 seconds after that one another guard respawned but i got tired of it again and went to the snoworc fort. During all this Tamla was still msging me and yelling at me over that. This is when she finaly tells me that i killed the guard she was doing a quest for and i went back to where she was and droped 5K at her feet and said here this is for the stupid guard quest. and a started running back to the snoworc fort and i think it was ehran said i wasnt getting the point and i said whatever and loged off. then i posted this right away.
Tamla i didnt say the stupid stuff you were saying i said. "I dont care about any of the people on wod" "or i dont lisen to anyone around me" Thats crap if i was not lisening to anyone How would i have been able to write all this here. this is my longest post i have ever written just for me to prove a point that lots of people kill npcs and if a guard happens to run up to you and attacks you your going to kill it so if you still want to talk come to me tamla. PLZ

Tue May 25, 2004 10:21 pm
by John Duklain
Killing guards is pathetic. If you want to wipe out guards, ruin peoples quests, that's fine.. I hope someday the admin outlaws it.

Tue May 25, 2004 11:13 pm
by Kronos Leir
John, I think that he just said that he wasn't just running around killing the guards. He only killed the ones that attacked him and this is just a guess but I'm sure he was not running in to all the guard spots to get them to attack him and then he killed them.
Although I could be wrong on him not running in to every guard spot but I know when I kill NPC's I only fight the guard I have to.
And Joka I would suggest going to Yew brothers and other spots that there is only one or so guards around so you don't get people yelling at you.
And from what I read Joka asked the lady/man if that guard was the one she/he was doing a guard quest for and she/he said No. I'm sure if she/he would have said yes it was the one who their guard quest was for he would have stopped attacking the guard.
Joka please tell me that you would or wouldn't have stopped so I know is my accusations are right

Tue May 25, 2004 11:17 pm
by John Duklain
In fact, the Guards made the mistake of killing Braemus one night, and Drogh and Jazzy ended up wiping out the entire Britain Garrison of Guards, including the ones in the Castle.
I was referring to this.

Tue May 25, 2004 11:22 pm
by Kronos Leir
Sorry John thought you were going after the main topic.

Tue May 25, 2004 11:27 pm
by Atei
John Duklain wrote:In fact, the Guards made the mistake of killing Braemus one night, and Drogh and Jazzy ended up wiping out the entire Britain Garrison of Guards, including the ones in the Castle.
I was referring to this.
That wasn't Joka, that was me. And that was personal. Drogh takes it personally when the Guards kill a family member.

Tue May 25, 2004 11:27 pm
by Kasia/Ki'Anna
In fact, the Guards made the mistake of killing Braemus one night, and Drogh and Jazzy ended up wiping out the entire Britain Garrison of Guards, including the ones in the Castle.
I was referring to this.
Ok you just got my dander up.
I am suddenly pathetic?
I don't make a rule of killing guards,BUT if a guard attacks someone I know,you better believe I am going to do something about it !!!!!! That is not being pathetic that is helping a friend.I did not rob one solitary person of their quests.
And while we are on the subject,as far as I'm concerned there is far more guards in Britain than there needs to be.When you can't step more than a couple tiles when grey without being attacked by one.
I'm going to end this post before I get any more furious than I already am.

Tue May 25, 2004 11:34 pm
by Atei
John Duklain wrote:Killing guards is pathetic. If you want to wipe out guards, ruin peoples quests, that's fine.. I hope someday the admin outlaws it.
I have to think that you've never played an "evil" character, John. My assassin, Drogh, doesn't go looking for guards, but rest assured he will kill one if it attacks. My necromancer, Braemus, is the same way.
There are also situations where someone is grey and gets attacked even though they aren't evil. Take, for example, the time you get paralyzed by an Orc Master Mage and my mage hits you with a magic arrow to release you. My mage turns grey and would be attacked by any guard around--is that right? Until something can be done to protect the occasionally grey character from getting attacked, killing guards will continue.
For the record: my assassin and my necromancer don't kill guards as a matter of routine. However, since running away doesn't work, that leaves few options.

Tue May 25, 2004 11:37 pm
by Joka Atticus
jon from i asked her if i went to yew would that be alright she said no dont kill any guards. And at first i did go to the "spot" to kill a guard but that was one right infront of the bank. And yes if she would have said she was doing that guards guard quest i would have not thought twice on stoping.